I literally haven't been able to connect to the online servers for almost 2 days now.
Azoth Solar_MLBTS
These servers are garbage, it's ridiculous that getting stubs & progress in certain modes is tied to these [censored] servers. Every year this game seems to regress a little bit more. If you guys going to integrate so much of the game with online servers, YOU HAVE TO MAKE SURE THEY ACTUALLY WORK OR THAT THEY WORK OFFLINE IN A WAY TO HELP COMPENSATE FOR YOUR [censored] SERVERS
Anyone have any luck with their codes yet?
WTH man... 4 days later, these codes still don't work. This is inexcusable and a good way to [censored] off everyone who shelled out for physical copies & supported the game even when it's free on XBOX. I could've just downloaded it on Gamepass but I bought the 100 dollar Jackie Robinson Deluxe Edition because I like to support the game & I wanted the extras but if you're going to release a game early... make sure the extra content is available!
Server issues getting stupid
Code from physical Jackie Robinson Edition on XBox still doesn’t work
Jackie Robinson Deluxe Edition Redeem Code Xbox