9 inning games, full rosters, xp and parallels!!!!

I agree, this ruined co op
They can all play goalie for the avalanche, can we nerf this down please
Please its base ball, make it either 9 innings, or make it a choice to lower the innings, but dont make us have to play 6, ruined the game, thanks, two months till madden comes out, hopefully we only get to play till halftime this year?????
Thank you longhardmatt22
I played someone last night that had 99 starters in his bullpen? How is that possible?
I've played 10 co.op games, I do not get any record, player stats, xp, nothing , we have won 9 of these games. Nothing shows up for any of them. Then just my opinion, we should get 4 position players in 2 player co op, not just 3. Second we get the same computer generated players added to our team every game, mahomes, mondesi, etc... , why. Lastly, cannot use our created players either, seems like a lot needs fixed in co.op. I am happy they finally added it, just needs to fix all the bugs.
I bought 5 gagne's. They have to be worth 75 to 100k right? Rivera is 150k. Henke is 50k. He should be in the middle of those two?
Please, this is baseball
Wow thanks
You cant change to 6 innings???????
Why not make it a choice, you can choose. 6 innings if your an idiot, or 9 innings if you play grown men baseball
Please fix co op
6inning co op?
Pitchers defensive?
6 inning games. This is to stupid, who changed this?????
Co op everyone keep reporting
Starters in the bullpen? How?
Not getting any credit for games
bought gagne & loften for 23K each WHAT?!
Change co op back to 9 innings!!!!!
Starters in the bullpen? How?
9 inning games please!!!!!