@NthgHpnsWhnUDie_XBL said in Pitch attributes not progressing is being worked on.:
Any other work around ideas? Maybe take certain perks off and on? This makes me want to bang my head against a wall. I made a velocity pitcher and then a control pitcher to see if maybe the individual pitch velocities would go past 38 and both builds are stuck. So I'm just curious what else anyone has tried and had luck with. I don't see how this can still be a problem this far after it was a confirmed bug. I worked at Activision as a QA tester on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 so I kinda know how the process works to get bugs submitted to the developers to get fixed. One thing that sits in the back of my mind was if they classified this bug as a WNF... will not fix. That usually only happened with small environmental bugs like maybe you could walk through a small rock and your character's foot would just go right through the rock. But when it came to progression breaks... they were always put at the top of the list as an AAA showstopper. Meaning the game could not release without fixing the break. I understand that you can still progress in the game with this bug so it wouldn't necessarily be classified as a AAA... but it's still a progression break so it would have priority over smaller issues. Such as the MLB record for hit streak topping out at 255. Same with home runs in a season lol. Anyway, sorry for rambling. I just wanted to add my two cents in.
the only work around I've found to increase break is to download one of the XP Grind rosters, then assign a slider to whichever number pitch you want to increase the break on.
The progress seems to reset somewhere just after half way, so what I do is increase the break on a pitch in training, assign a slider to that pitch I just increased, then sim until I can choose the 2x Break boost. If you're under 50% progress, you can easily upgrade it in a single game.
With the 2x break I go into the game then throw nothing but that one pitch.
It is absurdly tedious of course and wild that this is the only way to increase attributes but here we are