Next step is getting to be able to exchange/ quick sell locked cards. Slap in the face to this entire consumer base. Im convinced that the few people who defend it are on sds payroll
![avengerpat_PSN avengerpat_PSN](
It feels like it honestly. Idk ive also been cpu grinding mostly so maybe im just out of sync
It just loads for an infinite amount of time. Is SDS working on it?
Giambi for the yankees collection has been solid for me
Yankees are rated LOWER THAN the
BravesWould love to see or hear the explanation for this lunacy
@DomeBay33 said in Perfect/perfect flyballs are broken:
It’s 80 or above CONTACT rating, not power.
Soto has 80 contact as well
I got that result and it wasnt a HR, using LS soto against a righty which is 90 power i believe
@SaveFarris said in Perfect/perfect fly out:
What was your players Power rating? They said if it was less than 80, perfect/perfect DID NOT guarantee a HR.
Ahhh ok i didnt see that part. It was 91 pudge so i think like 68-75 power
I thought that wasnt supposed to be possible? I got perfect flyball results and it died at the track
I dont want nobody telling me other wise. Somethings weird with them. I have tried and failed this pudge 8 hits moment like 12 times. Ive gone 0/5 in the last game when i needed 2 hits multiple times. This is garbage
They should most likely be exchangeable SDS will fix it in the first patch
Having the same issues on google chrome on my lap top
-Increased pitch speeds on all star. I am seeing the “very early” flail swing on 97 mph fastballs 4 inches above the zone. Why SDS would change anything about the UNIVERSALLY LIKED pitch speeds in 19 is beyond me
-Path the unexchangeable collected cards. I was annoyed by this yesterday but common sense is telling me they are supposed to be exchangeable if they throw unsellable duplicates at you for TA and collection reward
-Add inning program moments back in so if people prefer them over showdown its possible.
-Ive been noticing a lot of good/okays again, mostly offline but it is concerning. The new PCI feedback system doesnt really tell you what you did wrong, you can have the exact same PCI placement on 3 pitches and get 3 different results it seems.This isnt to insinuate i havent been enjoying the game because i have, i just think its good for problems/ possible improvements to be talked about early so they can be fixed
@yankblan said in Unsellable Team Packs at 10 Affinity points:
@avengerpat said in Unsellable Team Packs at 10 Affinity points:
BUMP. Im glad people are realizing how much of a crappy move this is on SDS. All this does is price out people from the collection rewards it does NOTHING GOOD
Calm down, like I said the way it works it looks to me like an unwanted/unexpected result. It needs to be brought to their attention, sure, but name-calling won’t get you anywhere. These guys consult their base a lot more than other companies. I noticed too, that they will often address issues from the previous year in their pre-release streams; things they didn’t address during the year probably because they couldn’t do anything during the cycle.
I am hearing people/ SDS partners say this is an intentional feature
BUMP. Im glad people are realizing how much of a crappy move this is on SDS. All this does is price out people from the collection rewards it does NOTHING GOOD
On top of this, it gives you 4 non sellable cards AFTER collecting the entire 40 man roster and locking them in. Im really hoping this is a glitch because it just makes no sense at all. Does it have something to do with making them unsellable or something? How do you mess something like that up? Please respond when you can SDS because im holding off on collections until this is rectified
UPDATE: its an intentional feature this year. PLEASE MAKE THEM EXCHANGEABLE. Locking cards in doesnt say anything but non-sellable, if you introduce this feature (you shouldnt, get rid of it please), at least have the courtesy to let us know. And also please dont smack us in the face with 4 more useless cards we cant do anything with after already collecting them all.
Hopefully after SDS sees the reaction to this they let us exchange the cards. They say NON-SELLABLE not NON-EXHANGEABLE. Please reconsider SDS @Victor_SDS
Collected cards should not be locked from exchanges or quick sells. This is a useless jab at no money spent/ low money spent players who cant or wont dump hundreds of dollars into the game. Collection cards are exclusive as is but we should be able to do what we want with them once we collect them like in 19. This was a useless and borderline malicious inclusion into this years game and I hope SDS corrects this mistake. Im sorry for making negative thread on day 1 but this just ticks me off, players like me have a tough enough road to collection rewards without these added hurdles.
on stream they said theyre playing on all star but the pitches look slow. im hoping its just because im watching and not playing but i really hope they didnt make pitch speeds slower like 18
We did it!
Is the event on HOF?
online dashboard/community market completely unusable
First Basemen
Who the heck is responsible for franchise roster ratings
Perfect/perfect flyballs are broken
Perfect/perfect flyballs are broken
Perfect/perfect fly out
Perfect/perfect fly out
Moments are once again different from regular game play
Can't Exchange Players
Mobile market is terribly slow
Wishlist for the first patch
Unsellable Team Packs at 10 Affinity points
Unsellable Team Packs at 10 Affinity points
Collections do not tell you they are non-exchangeable after locking in
Need to talk about locked collected cards
Need to talk about locked collected cards
Need to talk about locked collected cards
pitch speeds??