I disagree, the point is to build theme teams of whatever you might want. Personally I love the guardians so I roll out a guardians theme team with some live series and whatever available others I have. It makes your favorite team viable online

I feel like the wild cards should be much earlier to obtain BUT you could cap them at whatever general overall is at the time. So right now cap them at like 93 until the TA part 2 raises it to 95 or whatever and so on. It's just nice to use some players you really like without them breaking the game. Every 99 wild card just crushes right now because of the stat difference in pitching which is fine but probably not necessary
@GoTitans3 idk If I would call this game equal to madden. Agreed this year content wise is bad but if I remember madden doesn't even have collections, all of the 'collections' are actually exchanges. So you don't even get to keep people along the way to better people
I mean at some point when the angels have some more non live series, with both captains they have +15 to all 4 major hitting stats but in terms of right now, the rangers seem to be one of the best
@chucky97___ the guardians have been around as long as anyone and have plenty of great players before they left to play for actual money elsewhere lol
My bad for not looking at previous posts but I meant strictly in terms of current available cards, not cards I know will come later in the year. I'm fine with Yankees having a bunch generally speaking, but I hope we see more flashbacks and stuff available for teams
So I just noticed that the Yankees have 23 legends or flashbacks or however you wanna classify them. A lot of teams have 7 or 8ish, I know it's early and the Yankees are the Yankees but come on lol
I know buxton is meta but don't people get tired of using that team? Just play with people you actually like
Earning more packs is definitely a good idea and I don't think anyone would outright defend the content this year, it is just flat out worse than last year but I'm glad there's at least some other people that trust sds. I stopped playing madden recently because it was flat out impossible to keep up with any of the cards. Let's try to remember that we no longer have immortals lol or the year they raised the attribute cap to 125 and the gameplay was broken the entire year lol
@Teak2112 Topps now program is relatively newer and it usually just full of people that are for filling out theme teams and collections. As for when monthly awards were in packs I've been playing since the show 15 so I don't remember but it doesn't seem that long ago. I think part of the issue is that people forget how hard it was to get the best cards just a couple years ago. It's more fun that we can all get them easier nowadays but until this year they've been making a lot of progress to help everyone get the cards they want. I'm gonna give them some benefit of the doubt a little longer. I do hate the lack of xp options among some other things but the game is still fun to play generally speaking
I will be the first to admit that I am not of fan of the season awards drop and I already mentioned I didn't like the captains being hard to obtain but this game is still very much a great game. You can still earn plenty of good cards for free and hiding people behind packs only hurts people who want to have every card, you can still earn enough to get plenty of cards this year just maybe not every single one upon release. Also does no one remember that monthly awards used to be in packs? It was a huge part of the game that they were hard to get. I like that it adds diversity to rosters that not every card is easy to get right away
I feel like the team captains should be a little earlier in the reward path, as a guardians fan it's pretty hard to use a lot of our cards in ranked and I love seeing other people's theme teams that aren't just Buxton. I think it was one of the better additions to the game lately but for a somewhat casual gamer it takes longer than you think to get to both captain packs
Is there a way to check what all the captain boosts are either in the app or online when I'm not actually playing?
Live series j ram has been raking for me with a tier 2 boost as well as Mike zunino shockingly. It's been cool to see all the wbc teams but I'm hoping once inside edge starts I play against some other live series theme teams
Would someone mind posting the tier boosts for the captain Jeter for other captains? Thanks
So is supercharged only for big moments or a great game, the guardians just pounded on the royals and there's a few guys that would be cool to get a supercharge but I'm not sure how often they would do this type of thing
Anyone else have an issue where they select a jersey and it equips a different one? I can't where the guardians red alternates for some reason because it just gives me the normal home jersey
It's too late in the game cycle but I would love a dan Uggla hitting steak, super fun guy to watch hit
So you can't do it after the game?
Where do you find the swing info on how well you hit?
Theme Teams…
Wild cards
The REAL state of this game
Best Overall Theme Team
Yankees legends
Yankees legends
Yankees legends
Sick of buxton
Calm down
Calm down
Calm down
Team captains
Captain boosts
Favorite cards so far
Captain Jeter
Supercharged question
Jersey issues
New players program thursday guesses
Please help with info
Please help with info