I have a PS4 version of the game and I plan to buy a PS5 console. Do I have to buy a PS5 version pf the game to activate create a stadium or can I just transfer my existing game to PS5?

I only have one preset. I deleted the others so that all my mode specific settings are manual.
I hope there will be a leauge realignment feature in MLB The Show 22 because with the stadium creation feature added in this year's game the Astros switching leagues in 2013, a league realignment feature like in NBA2k myleague/mygm modes makes a lot of sense.
In the start of RTTS right after the draft, after the chat with the AA Manager regarding your choice of position in the field the you want to play in. April 8, the pitching coach will ask you if this is your 3 pitches in which you have a choice to change your pitches.
I restarted my rtts to take advantage of the new roster but when April 8 came, the pitch changing option is gone I was stuck with 4 seam fb, sl, curve.
PS4 to PS5
How to fix cpu changing lineups/rotations etc.
League Realignment Feature
Choosing pitches in the start of RTTS.