I already had just about 3 million stubs. I had most cards needed an said eff it an bought what I needed to get trout and I still have 2 million stubs left and a bunch of great new players to try out that I didn't have..was this trout worth it all? probably not!but IDC it's a game an I'll definitely be using him from here on out.i just want Griffey an Ruth and I will be all set for the year

Satchel paige.... drops mic
Only thing I dislike is a moment needing extra base hits or steal a base and there's a guy already on base that won't advance on an easy double or I can't steal because someone's on 2nd or 3rd other than that moments are easy even if it takes extra tries
This is why I turned off messages an set it to friends only... couldn't take it anymore...it seemed like it was every other game I was getting messages like this
I'd check him out online first see how u do with him a few games..he's been 60-70k for awhile now so u won't miss out.plus might be needed for big collection but nobody knows man it's a gamble selling anything right now
@TTVInstinc_Zero said in Hot off the mic... Trout Collection overview and tips:
Why did they make it so hard to acquire Mike Trout. Basically the people who can only get him are the ones who play the game so much and all day long and the people who put money into the game. They need to make it easier so that people who are less fortunate can get Mike Trout and have fun on the game getting the most popular cards and to be able to have them ok their team and to use them.
I spent most of the time flipping an didn't spend anything but money for game an 20$ my gf bought me other than that I have every big card an 2 million stubs.i actually need to play the game of baseball now after I did all that lol
I literally got a drop in trevor Mays stream an it gave me 0 packs after waiting a few hours now... I know it will be nothing good as usual for me an my bad luck but free is free and that's for me..I did however enjoy watching the games tonight really appreciate getting those guys to play so we can watch some kind of baseball -
@Psycho-_-Kill-er said in SDS! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD FIX SHOWDOWS!:
I am an average player at best and cannot beat these showdowns. I have played level 1 NL East probably 100 times and won once! Third inning about 50 times now... haven’t tried a second inning yet to even comment.
All the ones will comment saying how easy it is... before that happens... MAYBE FOR YOU IT IS!
Us average to novice players should have a chance to win and participate in playing showdowns. Maybe have us pay the entrance fee again to have at the final boss (if you can even get there!) again. Adjust the sliders down, SOMETHING! It’s just not fun at all.
I’ve tried all the pointers posted here to have crappy players make diving catches or balls smashed to die on the warning track to perfect/perfects find gloves every time! That’s even if I can get the bat on the ball!
PLEASE PLEASE DO SOMETHING!I get that it can be frustrating but it's not supposed to be ridiculously easy that everyone can just breeze through it every time....I did the 1st inning showdown 3 times before I beat it...I have yet to beat 2nd inning after 15 tries an the 3rd inning I beat in 2 tries...I definitely takes patience to beat these...I do get really frustrated about the super powers the CPU have when it comes to there diving catches an the the dots they throw from deep cf to home to get my guy tagging up from 3rd...but it's just a game to be honest...do what the other guys said just play other games and practice you will eventually get to where you want to be just got to keep chipping away at it
@Matt_42187 said in For SDS Victor and Collins:
@adam_sheffield said in For SDS Victor and Collins:
I mean honestly I'm sure they can do stuff at home but I'm almost certain they can't do as much as they'd like because of stay-at-home orders...either that or they just don't care I'm sure it's a little bit of both at the moment
Ok. How about posting some type of communication about it? A lot of people are still working. Why is it the same issue year after year? All we get is a “new hitting engine”, “ new fielding animations”. I mean, call of duty just came out with a new map and mode. No issues. Why?
I totally agree
with you....they don't communicate because they know they don't have answers and no matter what they say will just be backlash an nasty comments... plus if they said for example that something would be released this day or a fix on this day an then it doesn't happen people would flip there lids rightfully so an be asking for free packs or whatever an asking for blood so to them being quiet weather right or wrong is better in there minds....but ya they should be saying something no matter what about what's going on an needs fixing...I mean baseball is throw, catch, hit and run an they can't get it right..
I thought the same thing but I kept going til I had a million stubs so I could just buy anything new I wanted.i just got hr derby Griffey because he's my favorite player of all time....is it end game? No.will there be a better one soon? Yes!do I care? Nope lol..an I'm still at 600k with enough stuff in inventory to sell.off to get right back to a million again
Other than super powers the CPU defense shows when diving for a ball or throwing dots to home from deep cf I have to say from experience it's no problem... annoying? yes! but not that bad
Want to play a great baseball game? Look up pro yakyuu spirits 2019...it's in Japanese...but using the translation website an Google translate after awhile navigating menus is easy with repetition....easily the best baseball game I've played in years...very realistic
@ryrycon said in It's over. After weeks of flipping...:
What is the best method for flipping this hard
Never leaving the auction house for days and weeks a maybe the whole month.... atleast that's how I did it lol
@loshbomb said in No 4th of July Conquest map -- Shame on u SDS:
We get insane amounts of free stuf from this game, no need to complain.
I concur
[censored] I have never ever pulled trout once....right now it doesn't matter I got all collections done an [censored] ton of stubs but my mlb show life would feel complete if I can pull him just one time lol
Lol seriously
.. soon as I read about this Ramos situation I went and looked saw I had 2 and sold to the next 2 people right away took me 37 seconds.
Im just going to say if I want to sell one of the bosses for 3k an lose out on 35k or whatever I can that's my right...I won't ever do that I'm just saying.... everybody can do whatever it is that they want to do on the market it's simple as that
I hear you on this...lost my job, stuck at home, every waking second is mlb the show even tho I got my Japanese baseball game professional baseball spirits 2019 which is awesome if you get use to the Japanese with Google translate an the translation website after that it's easy to navigate...I also got a backlog of kingdom of hearts, God of war,resident evil 3 remake and the Witcher 3 but I guess I'm addicted to the show because I just can't stop playing....got 2 big screen TVs side by side so I been watching tons of Netflix right now I'm watching better call Saul it definitely helps when tediously grinding...stay safe guys an just enjoy
He literally lived every baseball players dream by hitting a walk off hr to win the world series....does that mean he is the best player ever? No it doesn't but it makes him a legend in my book no matter the stats
I mean honestly I'm sure they can do stuff at home but I'm almost certain they can't do as much as they'd like because of stay-at-home orders...either that or they just don't care I'm sure it's a little bit of both at the moment
We all over collected
SDS needs to prioritize getting the rights to more pitching legends
SDS do you test moments?
Why are people like this
Tom Henke?
Hot off the mic... Trout Collection overview and tips
Twitch Drops Update for 4/13 Players League Streams
For SDS Victor and Collins
Curious showdown Survey
This game is..
It's over. After weeks of flipping...
No 4th of July Conquest map -- Shame on u SDS
2 fish one hook
No, I won't sell my extra Ramos'
Selling inning 3 bosses
Anyone feel like you've overplayed?
Joe Carter most underrated player
For SDS Victor and Collins