I’m probably just over thinking since in today’s stream we only saw on the bottom that said captured on next gen. Last time I saw that it said PS4 versión on next gen. So I’m not to sure to be honest if I’m probably overthinking..
That is the question to be asked.. And that is true we will have to wait until we are running it on our own set up. But I would really like to see jerseys moving more freely infield dirt being more realistic.. it’s just the little things that really can make a difference...
I have a question and what do you guys think? Do you think today’s fielding feature premier was actually next gen graphics? Is this actually what we are going to see from MLB the show this year for next gen?
Is that really next gen graphics from today’s feature premiere?
Is that really next gen graphics from today’s feature premiere?
Is that really next gen graphics from today’s feature premiere?