Anyone want to play co op? Dm me.

If you purchased within the last 30 days then please refund the game. They don’t deserve our money
I contacted Nintendo support for a refund and they told me to contact the publisher. So I put in a ticket to SDS asking if they have any obligation to either restore the servers or refund my money because it feels like they want to do neither.
Yoo while we’re all here, who wants to add me for co-op if/when the server comes back up? Also is anyone able to get your mic to work on Switch during co op?
@joshjays44_PSN said in Time to start filing for refunds I guess.:
Isn't the Nintendo Switch for children? I'm surprised The Show was released for it, oh well...I guess you kids can get your parents to contact SDS to get this resolved. In the mean time you youngin's can go play Super Mega Baseball and RBI Baseball.
Super Mega Baseball is a better game anyways . Anyways I make fun of myself for playing a third party game like the show on switch, but I enjoy it and it’s unreasonable to be unplayable for the 4th straight day.
Co-op partner
Switch Servers
Proof SDS does not care.
This is so unacceptable for us Switch players we deserve free packs and stubs.
Time to start filing for refunds I guess.