SDS: Request For Consideration
I hope you guys would consider devoting more of your time and focus on online gameplay issues.
I understand that your intentions may have been good to address some of these issues with update patches, but I am here to tell you, that whatever changes or updates that were made were not significant enough, because the issues are still there.
For example in update 1.05 patch, it states, “In multiplayer games, slight increases made to pitch accuracy across all interfaces, including accuracy increases to perfect pitch inputs. Remember that other than user input, the pitcher's BB/9 and difficulty setting standards remain the biggest factors in overall accuracy. If you hit perfect meter more often you'll benefit from this update more than someone who doesn't. I can tell you from personal experience, the pitch accuracy is definitely still there and feels like despite the update, nothing has been done at all.
Another good example is related to update 1.06 patch, it states, "- Slightly expanded the radius that a defender can successfully tag out a baserunner when they collide in the base path during rundowns or instances when the defender is going into a throw animation, while the baserunner is passing through him. - Increased the ability of the pitcher to successfully tag out runners at home plate, when the pitcher has to cover home plate following a wild pitch or passed ball." I can tell you that tagging runners out is definitely still a problem. There are plenty of videos posted on youtube after the date of this patch to show you that nothing has been fixed.
There are many other issues, but If you need me to be more specific, I would suggest just briefly scrolling through the Community Forum where you don't have to look far to see how saturated it is with negative feedback. For more in-depth clarification, I would suggest conducting a survey like the most recent one I took from you guys that asked for honest feedback that was strictly Content Based. But instead of Content Based, have the survey strictly Gameplay Based.
I respectfully ask and thank you in advance for your consideration.
^ This guy thinks SDS reads the forums
@lucas8181 said in SDS: Request For Consideration:
^ This guy thinks SDS reads the forums
First of all, they do. The mods here communicate with the devs. Not saying that leads to anything, but claiming they don't read it is false.
Second of all, why are always so annoying and hostile towards everyone here? Don't you have something better to do?
SDS doesn’t care. Hell the mlb players tournament the issues are front and center. Nothing is being done to fix it. So until people step away from the game it will continue to be a [censored] show