Network errors and "Forfeits."
First off, I actually love this game and I understand the online system will always be flawed. That in mind, just twenty minutes ago I just had the most annoying and dumb thing ever happen to me in the history of me playing MLB THE SHOW. I am beating this guy 2-0 in a battle royale and just took the lead and than the game ends, Not because of a network error (which in itself is the death of this game) and not because he raged. It ended because my team was forfeited. What in the actual hell does that even mean? 1-I have never cheated and never will, my 27-20 record definitely shows that to be true and 2-We were not even using coms, so no offensive language or anything could even happen. I have lost upwards of 8 games due to network errors and now this one because of being forfeited? This is insane, and what is even worse. This game never listens to its players, and does not even have a chat or way to express concerns or issues with the game, which EVERY game has now adapted too. There is my frustration for the day lol
if you use all your pause timer (pausing the game, quick menu, etc...) your opponent has the option to forfeit you.
Yeah i was trying to do a mount visit and i hit every button but up i couldnt remember which option was mound visit and it forfited me it was the 12th inning to