First game on all-star in a while, and...
Started at 700, so I skipped all-star this season, or so I thought. Ended up getting matched up with a guy rated 657, so of course, we play at that difficulty.
I forgot how bad all-star plays compared to HoF, especially on the early HRs.
I gave up a Very Early / Slightly Rolled Home Run to Ryne Sandberg off of a Kluber cutter. First time I've seen that result in a HR.
I keep hearing this, but if HOF in events is the same as RS it still has the same issues as AS, just faster pitch speeds. In fact, I have seen more randomness in HOF events than in AS RS. I can’t bear to play RS right now.
@HoffsDrawlar said in First game on all-star in a while, and...:
I keep hearing this, but if HOF in events is the same as RS it still has the same issues as AS, just faster pitch speeds. In fact, I have seen more randomness in HOF events than in AS RS. I can’t bear to play RS right now.
I don't typicallg play events so I don't know if there's a difference. I'd assume not. But I haven't seen this nonsense the whole time I was playing on HoF in ranked last season.
Pretty sure the sliders are different in events vs RS. I find the hitting is much better in events
HOF plays better the AS, just like last year. Only difference is pitch speeds are faster.