Crazy Ranked Seasons Run
So today I started at 704 for ranked seasons and decided to grind it to get stars. I played 9 games today and WON all 9 of those games. I was starting to rack up hits consistently and I think I've finally found what works for me to play at my best in this game. Now I'm rated at 894 and have one more game to go to make World Series. The solution is just to get better. During my run I got plenty of good/oks that were in the center of the pci but you just gotta push through that and keep making good contact. This game is not perfect I will say that, but it is a definite improvement when it comes to a skill gap. Stop complaining and start practicing.
Oh and btw I use a projector screen to play, I don't play with a monitor. No kontrol freeks either.
Nice good luck. I started at 826 and ended at like 768 so yeah. Got matched up with two people who have Mantle which is fine doesnt always mean they are good, but last guy I played was 22-0 and Elite level 7........or Prestige or whatever it is called