Some thoughts about the first weekend of the game
There’s still bad animations in the game. Like the Stretch Armstrong, I’ve overrun the ball but can still reach 10 feet behind me to catch it, animation.
The OF still have rockets on their backs.
Is every IF a Golden Glove?
That being said about defense, you can definitely tell we’re in the lowest level of the power creep.
My game freezes occasionally when going to Manage Lineup.
Can we please get the stats for the My Career or whatever it’s called moved to the bottom, or in a different tab, during the post game?
If anyone has anything else, feel free to add.
The CPU defense is ridiculous. I've played about thirty games and haven't seen one error. I've looked at replays on the CPU's defensive reaction and common fielders with bad reaction don't hesitate like my fielders. And yes every IF is a gold glover.
I have to agree with the CPU defense. They said they made defense to match the card's attributes, but it seems that is only for user-controlled players. I've been playing 24 today (Conquest), and I don't see a difference in the CPU defense at all between 24 and 25.
@T4RbRuSh_XBL The Outfielders seem too fast and their arms are stronger and more accurate than I have ever seen them. Even slow players should easily get doubles on balls that hit the wall. But not in this iteration of MLB the show. I think gameplay wise the game took a step backwards in 2025. I doubt I'll play it all the way to January this year.
@TPRwell_XBL Players are throwing dimes from the RF warning track to third base. And those are pretty much insta-throws too. I feel like the CPU outfields are broken and I just question if they really tested their game or this ridiculousness was intentional.
@TPRwell_XBL it’s incredible that it’s been a problem for 6 years now and they haven’t fixed it. Once we have all diamond defenders, it’ll be back to homerun or fly out, nothing in between. If it isn’t that already
Personally I think the game is awesome. The defense creates more of a challenge and forces me to get better contact and timing. Seeing a lot less power, but I’m sort of glad or else I’d be mindlessly just swinging for the fence. It’s definitely a game now and not just a grind. Lots of complaints but I think it’s a major upgrade over ‘24 but to each their own.
I’ve probably said and thought it for at least the last few years, but the CPU outfielders have got to be toned down some, especially on lower levels. It’s silly how fast they get to balls and always throw to the correct base. Triples are getting rarer and rarer, and it’s ridiculous that fast runners get throw out so often trying to score on sacrifice flies. To that just add the crazy stretches out catches constantly and it gets even more annoying. Rookie CPU has better defenders than Cooperstown.