RTTS better than ever in MLB 25
While I would have preferred to see the high school season fleshed out a bit more and seen three full seasons of college ball with more than just eight teams, what is presented with the high school, MLB Combine, and college experiences is well modeled and a firm step in a positive direction.
But, what I like most about RTTS in MLB 25 is how the tokens are earned through quality of play on the field by your avatar player, and that you can then spend those tokens to upgrade play skills as you desire. Even the in-game challenges only award points which are then converted to tokens, plus a few of the hardest challenges will earn tokens outright in addition to points.
This really allows you as the player to tailor your avatar player as you desire.
The equipment you obtain by any method only offers a percentage boost to your skill points, and so how you choose to manually distribute your points for skill increases still drives the evolution of your avatar player.
The graphics for the player setup have added a few new elements, mainly tailored on expanded options for skin tones and effects. There appears to be a slight improvement in how the uniforms are modeled and how they react to movements by players.
Overall, I think SDS deserves a significant bit of credit for how they improved RTTS, and I would like to see the high school and college experience significantly expanded going forward.
Yeah, the tokens let you level up like a proper RPG. Makes it a challenge to do a 2-way player, though, as you need SO MANY TOKENS to improve as both a pitcher and a position player!
An interesting change I've noticed is that when I'm pitching, I no longer have an indication of where the catcher wants me to place the pitch. I can tell what pitch he wants by looking at the number of fingers, but I don't know how to read any sign of where the ball should go so I'm just having to wing it. I've no idea if this is something I can adjust in settings somewhere, but I'm kinda digging it for right now.
So much better this year. The token/skill progression system is so much better. Please keep it.
So glad they made it more like it was before the whole archetype system. Rtts is finally fun again. I also love the new perk system, but I can't seem to unlock more pitcher perks for some reason.
@Demadrio_PSN have you tried pressing R2? On higher difficulties you have to ‘ask’ for it. On lower it’s there by default.
Each perk has its own assigned chain link, and you have to spend tokens to unlock each link in the chain. Each link you unlock increases the power of the perk and when you unlock the last link in the chain, the perk becomes fully empowered. This essentially means (at least I think it does) that you can have as many perks as you desire to spend tokens on.
Again, you earn tokens directly by points earned for game play by your avatar player. He does something good, he earns points. He screws something up, he gets points deducted. However, these are just gross points for the game. So, if your player does ten good things he earns about 100 points and if he goofs one thing up, he had ten points deducted.
The most points I have seen for a single achievement in a game is throwing a perfect game, which earns your avatar player 700 points. I'm not yet sure what the points to token ratio is, but I think it's about 100 points to one token.
The tokens are then used to increase attribute skill levels as you desire. So, for example, you want to max out your speed and base stealing attributes, then you can devote all your tokens to upgrading those two areas.
Are we able to use rtts in DD this year?
No it won't come back