SDS not buying new game - NO CO-OP clubhouse
@Joeflakes_XBL The problem with a full squad in coop is waiting 10 minutes for your opponents to set up their team. It’s bad enough already.
Wouldn’t it be the same as regular? They’d all go to their position just have to change them if you want their secondaries that should take 1 min. Or they could put a time limit on it.
@Joeflakes_XBL How are you going to pre set up a full squad when you are playing with different people?
Either how it is now where they auto go into position, then you change a couple people. Or a clubhouse with friends where you have a preset squad.
@Joeflakes_XBL I guess they could have you set all that up before finding a match.
It made perfect sense lol it just went right over your head
@borderpatrollin_XBL Nobody cares
@borderpatrollin_XBL Thank you for letting us know and I am sure that SDS is heartbroken you won't be buying their game this year when most people are more excited for this year's game than they were for the prior 2-3 years combined.
@whiplash0013_PSN you need to get a life if you feel like being rude on my post hahahaha that’s so lol
@whiplash0013_PSN you need to get a life if you feel the need to be rude on my post lol hahahah that’s sad AF my friend and you need help
He's not being rude, your being ridiculous with your I’m not playing this’ll new game just because you can’t pick more than 3 players. Everyone else is excited for the game to come out
@borderpatrollin_XBL I am sad, but I am not the one who creates a rant post saying I am not buying your game, blah blah blah yet still went out and bought the game. Not just bought the game you bought the deluxe version of the game so you could play it early. Maybe you shouldn't post things you never plan on actually doing and get a life yourself.
I agree with you wish we had more coop changes… got the pxp but no stats on the cards seems really strange. Almost like a bug or something!