Diamond Quest/Weekend Classic
Diamond Quest looks like they shoved Conquest, and Showdown together. With the perks from Showdown, and the 3 inning games from Conquest, and based off of the rewards, they mostly got bronze player packs, and a couple show packs from their feature premier. I won’t find myself playing Diamond Quest very often, if at all.
Weekend Classic looks like it has some promise, the only issue I have
With this is, why is it only at the end of each ranked season? I feel that it should be like every other week versus every month. But based on the rewards that was showcased in their feature premier if you are 700 or higher I would recommend playing this mode, but anything lower that 700 I wouldn’t, the rewards don’t look good, I mean who’s going to play 6+ games to get 5-10 show packs, maybe a chase pack, and a couple ballins, and 20-30 thousand stubs. I will find myself playing Weekend Classic every time it accrues. -
I think you need to go back and rewatch the feature premiere again if those were your takeaways.
The DQ they played was the tutorial. The Soto and Judge are guaranteed drops. The real DQ’s are infinitely farmable and the rewards are sellable.
The rewards for weekend league were just place holders. They mentioned that multiple times. It’s also 6+ games with massive rewards that you would theoretically be playing anyway.
Even if those were the rewards for weekend leagues, the 30k stubs alone would be worth it,that amount is a fortune in early game.
seriously doubt the stub rewards will be that good this early,the pack rewards most likely will be better than shown