After captain blizzard drop 3 is that it ?
the latest conquest map is the sony SD logo which means todays update might be the last one in this years game. if so while i love some of the quality of life improvements made recently this would be such a whimper of a way to end the games life cycle. anyone else feel the same ?
Without a doubt a horrible way to end 24, which is why I've gone back to 23 and working on my 2nd account there
they should have given out rewind packs for free in the store too
From their Twitter account :
The 2024 Milestone Program, Showdown, and the SD Studio Conquest Map are LIVE NOW!
Get in the game and start stacking those rewards.
Keep an eye out—TWO more Captain Blizzard Drops are coming next week, with SEVEN in total!
I take that to mean we're getting 3 more blizzard drops after next week.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in After captain blizzard drop 3 is that it ?:
From their Twitter account :
The 2024 Milestone Program, Showdown, and the SD Studio Conquest Map are LIVE NOW!
Get in the game and start stacking those rewards.
Keep an eye out—TWO more Captain Blizzard Drops are coming next week, with SEVEN in total!
I take that to mean we're getting 3 more blizzard drops after next week.
Or there will be more than 2 Captains per drop.
@Capt-Clutch-2K24_PSN said in [After captain blizzard drop 3 is that it ?](/
Or there will be more than 2 Captains per drop.
That’s how I read it too. Poorly worded though.
I am not sure why people get their expectations so high.
22's last update happened on Dec 15th.
23's 6th season started on Dec 21stI am kind of expecting something small, maybe next Friday (the 20th) for Christmas to wrap things up. Maybe they can toss us a Holiday bundle like last year where they gave us 5 new 99 overall finest cards
We had that program where you saved for Brian Roberts (I think). Wasn’t that in January?
@dbub_PSN said in After captain blizzard drop 3 is that it ?:
So the problem with their subpar end to '24 is this:
I'll probably move to NBA 2K. If I'm enjoying it in March, I won't buy '25. I'm a one game at a time gamer.
you will not and you know it