Idea for 25: 2025 series better developed
I was extremely disappointed with the 2024 finest drop, to the point of I went back to playing 2023 almost immediately. Last year had such a robust drop and it felt like a true celebration of the season. Topps Now and Monthly Awards were also better handled. And why can't we get a card of each All Star?
Part of this is is because a vocal (I assume) minority complains loudly about multiple cards of the same player. But there are so many deserving players in 2024 that got nothing. David Peterson surely could have gotten a card this year for example.
My idea would be to split out 2025 cards from flashbacks and legends, and then increase the amount of these and not be afraid to give multiples if deserving. These should in most cases be lower value than the top Legends, but they should open up a second version of ranked (or something similar) for specifically 2025 cards once we are a few months in. Then people dont have to be disappointed with the lower cards, because they may make the 2025 god squad. People would be essentially building 2 god squads.
A good idea wasted this year was fresh start, kick off the 2025 series with a round of Fresh start cards. I would imagine every single team will have at least one fresh face. Expand potm. Get as many Topps Now cards in as makes sense. open up team collections, and reward legends/flashbacks from collection 2025 series
As an aside, perhaps another way to handle the multiple cards of the same player is using a card a reasonably small amount (say, p1) gives a boost to all of that players cards. P1 that McGwire rookie card and all other McGwires get +5 con vs R and L (he hit above .287 vs both that year). p2 it and your McGwire Cardinal card gets A's eligibility for theme teams.