Have any of you experimented with your PCI off? I was doing some custom BP on HOF with it. It seems that my placement was better, and I was able to lay off close pitches better. It's weird! It's like I found the 'answer.' My timing was almost always good, but my placement was horrendous.
I recommend trying it if you have PCI issues! I'm going to try BP on Legend, then take it into a game to see if it really is the 'answer.' It will be just 'vs. the CPU, but it's worth a try. -
I play with it off normally. Will occasionally switch to a faded PCI when struggling. It really helps with timing to have it off.
I use Pulse pitching and Timing hitting. Works for me
Okay Jim Abbott
I use the last obstructive PCIs I can cause I don't like cluttered UI. I still prefer having something over nothing but very small or transparent
@Jacky-Chan1_XBL It's a joke. Timing is the default method for people who cannot use both thumbs. Jim Abbott only has one thumb.