Verlander Captain
I’m a huge tiger and JV fan but pitching 12 complete games with him in just a few hours after release is either flat out crazy or ridiculously dedicated.
@GoozeFn said in Verlander Captain:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X Play vs CPU on rookie. Roughly 12 9 inning complete games.
Did you hit the XP cap by doing that many play vs CPU games?
@sbchamps17 Yes
@TripleH-4481 Just bored and could only play on switch, which is difficult to do anything productive on.
Not knocking you just saying that’s being committed to the task for sure.
@GoozeFn said in Verlander Captain:
@TripleH-4481 Just bored and could only play on switch, which is difficult to do anything productive on.
I totally get only playing on switch because that's what I play on, after you said you got Verlander to P5 I decided to go out and buy him off the market for 29k and already have him at P3
No offense to anyone but I don't see the point in P5ing a player; unless you're a fan.
With Sets and Seasons; that card will be almost useless after a few months. At least until the last season.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X Just bored and decided to do it. I do plan on using him and that boost in ranked during the next season and he’ll be the weakest link, so I felt like getting him up there. Pretty nice that he boosts some of the best pitchers this season. He also boosts Posada who I wild card.
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X Super fast and easy to do pitchers. Playing switch is ok for the offline grind, but that’s it.
@GoozeFn said in Verlander Captain:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X Just bored and decided to do it. I do plan on using him and that boost in ranked during the next season and he’ll be the weakest link, so I felt like getting him up there. Pretty nice that he boosts some of the best pitchers this season. He also boosts Posada who I wild card.
Not judging. That's what great about this game. People can play how they want.
Matt Cain isn’t getting the boost either. What the hell? That’s the only reason I took him over Salas.
@GoozeFn same