Question about BR missions
I typically play br each season and I cannot figure out why SDS keeps changing the missions for hits and pxp per br run.
I this season it’s 40 hits and 4000 pxp. Last season it was 35 hits and 3500 pxp and I think two seasons ago it was 45 hits and 4500 pxp. All last year it was 35 hits and 4000 pxp, which I think was reasonably challenging for mid level players like myself. I probably average 4-5 wins per run and occasionally get 7 wins.
At 7 wins (and 2 losses, so 9 games total) you’d need to average almost 4 hits per game and almost 450 pxp per game (for 35 hits/4000 pxp per run based on last year’s missions). That might not seem like a lot, but it doesn’t factor in how many people quit early if they are over matched or the 2 losses where you can match up against a 12-0 or ws player and get no-hit.
Anyone have insight as to why they move the goal posts? Also, I’m hopeful sds will make adjustments to keep this reasonable and consistent going forward. If they do 45 hits, I’m going to boost for it.
Depends on how long the BR program is by days. Not all BR programs are the same length. I believe the shortest length by days had the lower requirements.
I get the quitting. It’s the worst year I’ve ever seen. People are quitting down two runs in my experience
Its because SDS wants people playing online modes yet want to [censored] over people who arent great at hitting.
It drives players like me to quit the game when the offline content isnt there.
I can win 3-4 games on occasion but Ive never gotten anywhere close to the hits mission. Ive gotten 3500 pxp before but its rare
Between this and the ridiculous changes in ranked I stopped playing online completely, and they dont really do offline contet anymore.