Read this if you've had a corrupted file and/or want to prevent it from happening
I've posted this before as a reply in some of the corrupted file threads but figured I should make it its own post to maybe have a thread that offers helpful suggestions on what does and doesn't work for people.
Anyway, since this has happened to me before, hopefully this'll help someone out. Usually, when this happens to me, restarting the game fixes the problem. Idk if I've just been lucky but often the bug isn't that my file's been corrupted, it's that the game thinks it's been corrupted, so restarting the game, sometimes unplugging and plugging back in the ethernet cable in case it's a network issue, and trying again does the trick. If it doesn't, the save is gone, it sucks but there's really nothing anyone can do to help you.
To avoid this entirely, what works for me is:
Turn off autosave.
Always have at least 2 saves up at all times. When I finish a series I save one and then after the next series I save the other, repeating that throughout the season so that if one save gets corrupted, at least I won't have to roll back too far.
If one of your files is corrupted, restart the game. Don't try to load any of the others until you've restarted your game, it might corrupt those too if you do.
Upload a save to the cloud (as often as or as little as you want) so that you have a 3rd emergency backup in case everything else fails.
In my experience, all you can really do is be prepared. Every year I run into this issue so I always have to plan ahead in case restarting the game doesn't' 'fix' the save. Like I said, this probably won't help you much with what's already legitimately corrupted but it will help in preventing it from happening again.
B Blind_Bleeder_PSN referenced this topic on
B Blind_Bleeder_PSN referenced this topic on
I Save after every game.