KevinGohd played an opponent a few days back who was using The Knockers logo so it was out there for all his viewers to see
Logos went from R rated to XXX rated. They just leave them up there for all to see and they never go away. Quite sickening for children to see these logos and use them.
@go4stros25 public school teachers literally do this in America and it's encouraged. What are you talking about?
@AdeptOfMemory I see those stories. I live in Texas, we don't have those problems.
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to go4stros25 on May 4, 2024, 3:14 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_MLBTS May 4, 2024, 3:16 PM
@go4stros25 Amen. I mean it happens in Austin but yeah you're generally right. Unfortunately not the other states can say the same.
Nobody feels sorry for you and nobody should even give you "help" or advice. Don't be a [censored] and maybe your life will be just a weeeeeee bit easier my guy.
@GoldenGamingKM It's also likely there are overly sensitive gamers who mass report non offensive logos because they don't like the message or the person with the logo. Not because it's obscene or vulgar but because they have TDS. But, if it was something like genitals or vulgar language it's understandable yet it doesn't sounds like that's what it was.
You got male or female body parts on your uni, I'm reporting you
@AdeptOfMemory Those instances are few and far between in this country. What you said is completely ignorant and a huge dump on teachers in general.
As a former high school English teacher of close to 13 years (before leaving and becoming involved in the family farming business), I never ONCE had this issue with colleagues or anyone remotely close to our district in our state.
Frankly, this kind of a comment is incredibly detrimental to the epidemic we have nationwide of teachers leaving the profession.
Think before you post something like that.
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to GoldenGamingKM on May 4, 2024, 4:03 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_MLBTS May 4, 2024, 4:04 PM
@GoldenGamingKM beahahahahahahahaha
I will literally laugh at you for being so dumb. Also, crediting yourself for being a part of our nations problem is a part of the problem and absolutely hilarious thing of you to do. Leave children alone please. Don't turn this topic into something other than sh11++ing on SDS. -
@AdeptOfMemory There it is: The brilliance of this country that leans so far right, and in a perpetual headspace of conspiracy theories and poisonous rhetoric, that you've forever convinced yourself that you view the world "normally."
I know your type and it's why this world is quickly spiraling out of control.
Done. And blocked.
@GoldenGamingKM you won’t regret the block. I know I don’t
@BJDUBBYAH There are certainly Tiers of Stupid, but I think his might not even have a ceiling.
@GoldenGamingKM you’re not wrong.
@GoldenGamingKM you block people on a dead games forum.
go4stros25replied to GoldenGamingKM on May 4, 2024, 8:35 PM last edited by go4stros25_PSN May 4, 2024, 8:37 PM
@GoldenGamingKM Your sentiment rings true from both sides of the divide. Lost is lost, no need to point fingers. Everyone has been programed to look to the left and right instead of the past and future.
@AdeptOfMemory How pathetic do you have to be to try and turn every discussion on a video game forum in to an argument about politics. I genuinely feel bad for you. It's sad to watch.
GoldenGamingKMreplied to go4stros25 on May 4, 2024, 11:48 PM last edited by GoldenGamingKM_PSN May 4, 2024, 11:52 PM
@go4stros25 said in Ban:
@GoldenGamingKM "Everyone has been programed to look to the left and right instead of the past and future."
While I appreciate the effort here, and agree with your sentiment to a degree, it doesn't wash away the stain of a troll who pops off with irresponsible and reckless comments regarding educators.
Yeah, like everything else there are bad seeds growing throughout the profession. But to throw that kind of shade (as he did) is something I won't, frankly, put up with.
Yes, we should all listen to what one another has to say, but when it's presented in his manner, there's nothing that can save or excuse that sort of hate.
@Pergo literally never did that. Read the entire forum before commenting like a dumb [censored]