RTTS Fielding
Has anyone noticed while Fielding. Myself playing second base. I never get any pop ups. I know it's not game damaging experience. However just seems strange.
If you haven't already, you can get those if you change your fielding opportunities setting! In general gameplay settings, if you navigate to the Misc. section using LT/RT or L2/R2, and set your Player Lock Fielding Opportunities to all, you should find yourself fielding pop ups every now and then. I always set mine to all for the extra free bit of attribute xp from those plays I wouldn't get otherwise.
You might have to steal them from another infielder, which is easy as long as you're not animation locked.
Speaking of stealing, be ready for the possibility of having to stop a steal attempt, which I don't think I ever had to do until I set my opportunities to all.
If you want free attribute increases without the effort, set gameplay to ‘watch full game’ (instead of sim screen or skip to next appearance) at the beginning of the game for one pitch, then change it to one of the other settings. You will gain attribute points for plays that are simmed that you are involved in (performance evaluator will show them).
I don’t think you get points on simmed plays otherwise.
Setting it to watch full game must switch point accumulation on, and it mustn’t get switched off when changing back. I think it’s a bug.