Wildcard Question - Cbrev please chime in
I saw this topic broached in another thread and would like clarification…Are the 4 wild card spots that we will earn in season 2 permanent once we earn them? Or are we going to have to “earn” them again every new season?
Probably have to unlock them; hoping we have one right away at the least.
I don't believe they are. I had to do some searching for a past post but here is what was said in the DD Feature Premiere.
"yes obviously not in season 1 but every season after season 1 there will be wild cards and to make things even better this year we'll have up to four wild card slots in subsequent Seasons after you know after season one four wild cards yes but we will want to say that the number of wild cards can vary from season to season so be on the lookout on how you can earn and unlock those wild card slots".
I highlighted the key phrase if the number of wild card spots vary from season to season then it is safe to assume that they will do one of two things.
- Have wild cards spots reset at the beginning of each season, making you earn them every season.
- Add one wildcard extra per season accumulating 4 total.
I am assuming it will be #1.
Wow…That’s so disheartening if true. The Show is my favorite sports game & in years past I always played year round. Last year I bailed from burnout when Season 3 dropped and started playing Madden & COD. If they are going to use wild card slots as carrots leading the horses then I’ll definitely bow out once that’s required. For me personally that’s the moment it starts feeling like chores instead of fun, When that happens - I’m out.
Darn it man…DD was the perfect setup for YEARS, Hate seeing it take this turn.
If I recall correctly using WC last year also didn't accumulate progress for Team Affinity for those cards, meaning while they may help in game and overall XP they are useless for TA.