Co-op quit ban timer
Can we get rid of this already?
The freeze offs are bad enough but to be stuck in unable to quit because I still wanna be able to play co-op games tonight is absolutely ridiculous. -
Amen amen
What I dont understand is why it’s in co op but not regular ranked im sick of people rage quitting when im just trying to get the innings missions done. Also im not good it’s not like im a goon picking on bad players i dont get past pennant race
@UnsaferRainbows it's dumb. Co-op needs to be better. Why don't my players stats count in co-op? Why don't I get pxp in co-op? Why do we not have co'op records? Co-op icons? Why can't we adjust the matchmaking bar when searching for opponents? And yes, the quitting penalty should be applied to all online modes, or none at all.
@go4stros25 Agreed. As for applying to all modes or none, I think the quitting penalty wouldn't be an issue if there was a frozen game every other queue. Even if you don't quit and you "win" the freeze battle you will get the losing record and rating. It's disgusting SDS focuses on packs and stubs content but ignores literally every major bug the game has. Penalties SHOULD be applied to ranked games when leaving. But not when the game crashes and it's obviously not the users fault.