Inning Programs going forward
Wishful hoping here, but why not get it out there.
I still feel (specifically offline) that how you do in the game means absolutely nothing (other than getting a W). Would be nice to see either some more team affinity missions with stat based goals or seeing inning program stat based missions for program stars.
I know there are still people purchasing the game but the online daily mission, do they really have to be tier based (example Silver hits). No one wants to go into a RS or event game with an inferior line up especially as there really isn't matchmaking that takes into account the type of line up. Would love to see instead of Bronze/Silver/Gold missions just be position or the mission itself.
Hoping to see some more continuation of collection missions that are attainable like the prospect one this past inning program
I could be alone but maybe some logic in showdown when player rewards arrive that its not ALL pitchers or ALL batters. Maybe a mix so you don't get ripped off late in a showdown run. (example I won a Diamond reward and it was all pitchers as I was heading into the final showdown).
Anyone else have thoughts?