Stealing (Switch)
OK I’ve never been good at stealing bases, but what is the trick really? I am not asking for some kind of inside secrets just the basics. I Play on switch and the ZL button is The control you hold down to takeoff with the pitch. This year I’m noticing, however, that the runners timing is worse than ever. Recently I played a game just trying to get one stolen base for the egg program.
With Elle De La Cruz on first I lead off and then released just before the pitch which was a slow breaking ball. When the catcher went to throw the ball, my runner had barely even entered the screen yet. I know this method isn’t the most effective for getting better at the game, but it really does seem pointless this year
I don't think there is a trick , I also play on Nintendo switch but have no problems with stealing a base. Every now and then my guy will get thrown out but I think my guy just isn't fast enough and Elly gets thrown out sometimes for me
@sbchamps17 said in Stealing (Switch):
I don't think there is a trick , I also play on Nintendo switch but have no problems with stealing a base. Every now and then my guy will get thrown out but I think my guy just isn't fast enough and Elly gets thrown out sometimes for me
My guys get thrown out regularly regardless of who they are. One step lead two step lead it doesn’t seem to matter at all. If I do steal a base it’s usually because of a really offline throw not necessarily because I just beat the throw