Sliding mitts
I don’t know if there is a way but I can’t find one to have a sliding mitt in rtts since I’ve seen them in the game in other modes I don’t know if any of you have been able to find a way. If you have I would really appreciate the information.
It’s at the bottom under where you select them on. You have to click on it and select the one that’s available
@J_Reacher_7 im very curious to know if you have the evoshield sliding mitt in rtts because it doesn’t show up for me or anyone I know.
I don’t have the Evoshield. Just the basic hand brace looking one
When are you going to add them to rtts I’ve seen there only in franchise is it a glitch ? There’s Jordan Nike and evoshield
I understand what y’all are saying but every time I go and look and se if I have a sliding mit I don’t so I’m confused do I have to buy one or what?
XtReM_pReJuDiCewrote on May 16, 2024, 1:34 AM last edited by XtReM_pReJuDiCe_PSN May 16, 2024, 1:40 AM
Sliding mits are available in roster creation why can't the be added to rtts? Just an easy move over in my opinion. #wewantslidingmits
@XtReM_pReJuDiCe Because the equipment item still is not added into the game yet.
To funny
#slidingmittsarelame -
How are they not added into the game when it's available to be used in franchise? It's added into the game or you would not be able to use it anywhere.
@XtReM_pReJuDiCe It's not actual equipment item in the shop or in inventory's yet.
Thats irritating when will they add it to RTTS
What is this new baserunner protective gear? I was hoping it was the sliding mitt but ig not. #wewantsliddingmitts
@XtReM_pReJuDiCe Bro sliding mitts give DRIP fr
Why am I now seeing every player on my team in RTTS with an Evoshield sliding glove, but I don’t have the ability to get one? You may see rare items on players, but all those items are available in some form or fashion. I know folks are tired of hearing about this, and I was fine when it wasn’t even an option, but it just makes no sense to me. Maybe they’re coming in a future update, would be nice to at least get some info.
I think that sliding mitts are only available through packs and not the market. That’s my best guess
I think they are available in that special program in theory only. Even though the program shows me maxed out on the points scale, not once was any sliding gear issued.