Equipment exploit
@aaronjw76 said in Equipment exploit:
@Shauwn said in Equipment exploit:
I'm shocked and happy to hear SDS finally patched this.
Since they can quickly patch the rtts diamond equipment glitch, how about patching the cpu pitchers late pitch release to reduce the absurd amount of balls thrown?
it took them over 24 hours to patch it. If you think that's fast to fix an exploit then clearly you've never played madden or 2k lol
24 hours is relatively fast considering every other issue with the game that's being ignored. The biggest one Is CPU pitch release being consistently late, causing too many walks and a frustrating gaming experience. They've known about this since day 1, we're on day 7. If they can "QUICKLY" fix a equipment exploit glitch that's made many ppl hundreds of thousands if stubs for an hour worth of exploiting, then they can fk'n fix this annoying pitchinh shyte!
In regards to Madden, bro, I was the grandmaster of coin selling. I've made thousands of $$$ over the yrs in Madden before all the coin companies ruined it in Mut, Fut, etc with botting. Everyone's doing it now, causing the prices to drop significantly. In Fifa, 1 mil coins is like 30 dollars. Back when I did it, 100k was 30-40 dollars.
I must have never played Madden,,,
Little bro doesn't even know who -
The same thing has happened the past w years. Why would you trust the equipment market this year? There's always some dumb rtts exploit.
This was NOT an exploit -- players that did this did nothing wrong except take advantage of the bug SDS should have NOT had in the game. The way to get it done did not involve importing a roster of 0's into the game or something like that all you had to do is play the game using the ONE card that was bugged. Also how in the blue heck does this not get caught I mean do they have 10 yr olds coding there game ?? In all honestly starting to think that is true cause some of these bugs seem so silly and avoidable with just a little bit of testing. However it was easier from them to have the players do there bug testing then pay others to do it.
SDS -- Shameful is what you are
I have no issue with it not being caught during coding -- I know nothing of that. I do have a problem with SDS apparently doing no testing and instead depending on "the community" to pay them money to do their job for them.
@go4stros25 said in Equipment exploit:
The same thing has happened the past w years. Why would you trust the equipment market this year? There's always some dumb rtts exploit.
The simplest answer is that I have always made a nice profit flipping equipment in years past.
@blitz77tw said in Equipment exploit:
This was NOT an exploit -- players that did this did nothing wrong except take advantage of the bug SDS should have NOT had in the game.
SDS -- Shameful is what you are
Technically you are 100% correct.
However, the feature was not working as intended. People knowingly took advantage of this bug, which resulted in them making at least 300k - millions of stubs, depending on how many times they did this.That Technically is an unwritten form of exploit.
Those who missed out tried this and only got bronze perks/equipment in the same amount of time. Which Technically is not fair to those who found out too late.SDS worked hard to fix this bug, and silently patched it instead of communicating with the community.
Those who made all those stubs by cheating should have their stubs wiped. There's literally no Defending this.But I doubt SDS will do anything about it. So you guys should be safe.
@go4stros25 I definitely think equipment prices will be back up, or at least close, to the normal prices everything was going for before the glitch. I’m willing to bet so many people did this and Quicksold everything. Other people bought some and are trying to sell now that prices have gone up slightly. But more people will be getting the game every day, these items are still rare to pull, and the market will eventually calm. I bet equipment prices are back around normal within a week and everyone here is freaking out for no reason.
How do we know that they actually patched it?
@x814xmafia said in Equipment exploit:
How do we know that they actually patched it?
Because in two different vids on YT, users mentioned it's not working.
I think they were supposed to get Diamond equipment packs at a certain point that never materialized. -
@x814xmafia said in Equipment exploit:
How do we know that they actually patched it?
Test it for yourself. Go create a rtts girl. Use speedy sparkplug, and have her play for the Rpyals. Then come back in an hour and let us know if it still works.