MLB 24: 3/19/24 - Nintendo Switch
Thank you for the update
SDS, any updates for a community of Nintendo Switch users who bought your game and can not play DD? Just asking, for a friend?
I have the same error, sometimes it happens to me when I enter a certain moment, sometimes when I am going to start conquest and also if I try to play in BR or Ranking. Does anyone know how to solve it??? Has SanDiegoStudios said anything about this problem???
Read the top one from SDS that will answer your question
@Victor_SDS are their any update of the fix yet or not yet
Also story line is not working for switch players as welll -
NOT WORKING... certain moments in TA, Jeter storyline, at some point every negro league storyline, conquest...hmmm... sure there are more. Every other platform seems to be grinding away. Must be nice.
It's not just the first moment. It's all moments. I bypassed the first moment using my Xbox and connecting my two accounts. The moment you go into the season pass and try to do one of the moments. It just crashes the game. I'm not sure about the other game mode but it's not just the first moment. It's all of them. I can still grind the moments on my Xbox but I can't do anything about it on my switch. Edit- it's not just moments either. I can't even play vs. CPU, it crashes.
Seems to vary per person. I completed moments to both programs and a couple divisions of TA before encountering my first crash. So I skipped it and just started running into crashes everywhere. What a wonderful way to start DAY 1 RELEASE.
See now I've tried play vs cpu, coop, play vs friends, and all moments and it just crashes with every new attempt. I'm getting fed up with life and this game.
Same issue here. Diamond Dynasty crashes trying to complete tutorial. How about a PS5 code so I can play on a stable platform instead?
Why’d we buy this game again? Can’t do anything with it at all without a crash
SDS, this is absolutely absurd. I have been waiting for you to fix this for over 30+ hours. I paid for a game to play. What is your excuse. Let me guess...YOU ARE WORKING ON IT AND YOU APPRECIATE OUR PATIENCE. I no longer have any patience...FIX IT!
@SUPERFUZZYBUTT how bout you look though a gazillion lines of code? You aren't missing much with two or three days after launch unless you payed for pre-order.
Because I paid for a product expecting to be able use it Day 1. With your logic...if you buy a BRAND NEW car and it will not run and you take to the dealer and they say hey it will take a few days to figure this out, we have a few gazillion things to look aren't missing much by not driving would you feel?
And are you affiliated with SDS? If not keep it to yourself KAREN.
If MLB the show wants to give us switch users a free Ohtani for our inconveniences I wouldn’t be opposed
@PolyTaco For such a inconvenience of a faulty product I think they owe the Switch community that plus stubs. But watch they will give us a free five pack with all commons.
Or they won't give us anything just like last year when we were locked out of DD for almost a week
So regret buying this game. Was so planning to just stick with 23. Then started watching some YouTubers and got sucked in...🤬