Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
@WarWizard2022 said in Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash:
There better be an update ASAP. That's all I'll say. It seems like they just don't care about switch users at all. Took them almost 2 weeks to fix an issue for the switch on the 2023 one too.
The most likely scenario is they rushed a patch that broke the game for everyone because they wanted to get switch players in for the long weekend.
No doubt. I'm hoping it's fixed later today if it's an issue for every platform. I'm ok play MTO rn and possibly trying Franchise out but DD is what I spent $90 for ultimately lol
Seems the servers are down or something. I just tried to sign in after the patch update and it is immediately giving me a network error...... Anyone else? I'm on the Switch.
Yes, servers are down
I deleted the game and currently trying to reinstall. Says it's going to take 4 hours so the servers must be getting hammered. I guess the only bright spot is now everyone is feeling the switch users pain. Hopefully that speeds up the fix....if they're competent enough to actually fix what the issues seem to be
Hey everyone! I'm on the Switch and DD IS WORKING CURRENTLY FOR ME!!!
@WarWizard2022 does conquest work?
Can confirm conquest works
Yes! Finally they did something during the server outage, I didn't see any roster alerts and I'm playing conquest no issues
@sbchamps17 seems to be so far!
Nice job SDS. Seems to be working correctly in all modes (so far)
I definitely agree it’s so nice to be playing and not having the game crash. Props to sds for fixing the update pretty fast as well
Just check, DD is working now! Good job!
Yea all is good on all consoles now, you guys did a good thing! If anyone got to play as early as me before I left for work I had some very funny bugs ha
What compensation should we expect for paying for, but not receiving early access?
Also thank you for a patch that made it so we can play. Nobody wants to hate this game, in fact I really want to love it. -
Everything is working for me now except the players in every mode no matter what look goofy as hell or there hat looks like the dog chewed it and exposes a huge nose and eyeballs
I currently can't make it past the 3rd inning in exhibition vs cpu w/ daily rosters without the game crashing. It's been like this since I purchased the game 3-4 days ago right up to last night before I went to bed (so post-3/27 patch). Playing on Switch w/ wired connection & good internet (Spectrum). Do y'all plan on doing anything about this anytime soon? Or should I go ahead & get a refund?
@Manu__SDS thank you in case hasn’t been said yet, everything working well now.
@iSMoKehEadiEsNu can you get through a full exhibition game vs cpu w/ live rosters??? Mine's been crashing in the 3rd inning every game (& as of last night it was crashing after I chose my uniform; also live rosters...)
I’ve absolutely had it with this garbage game. MLB: the Show ‘24 is a puddle of warm puke. 19 days and counting. Opening Day lineups, which is why I bought it early, completely ruined. Broadcasters saying exactly the same things they said last year, live lineups that make no sense, like Austin Barnes starting at DH. Every player making their MLB debut. Max Scherzer is listed as a rookie getting his ever MLB strike out…
And, of course, the 3rd inning crash.
What will we get for our being ripped off?
Absolutely nothing.
I will never buy this game again…