Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash
On a more lighter note, when you finally get into a mini seasons game all pitchers heads are huge for some reason
Yeah patch helped the crash but saying I have an invalid roster when loading into the first moment. I did add cards from packs I got grinding rtts so not sure if that’s affecting anything.
Yea it's so bad now, some players are super short like my catcher, even the CPU.. if you throw a ball high or to the side a little it will go past him super annoying
Now all I'm getting is the invalid roster when trying to do the tutorial moment. This is a
@Travaris_NSW mine is doing the thing. Can't the starter mission due to an error saying "you have an invalid roster" and then directly after says "Diamond Dynasty : Coming Soon!"
Yea they really dropped the ball on this. The switch one is still effed..but at least before I could grind conquest now I can't. Even better now my Xbox version is also effed so idk how anyone is going to get season xp.. good luck.
There better be an update ASAP. That's all I'll say. It seems like they just don't care about switch users at all. Took them almost 2 weeks to fix an issue for the switch on the 2023 one too.
Well at least it's messed up on Xbox and maybe Play station too now so they should be quicker
@Travaris same
@WarWizard2022 same here
Have you even tested or run a trail before release an update? Or just copy and paste some random codes and release first and see if this works out well?
@WarWizard2022 said in Nintendo Switch MLB the Show 24 crash:
There better be an update ASAP. That's all I'll say. It seems like they just don't care about switch users at all. Took them almost 2 weeks to fix an issue for the switch on the 2023 one too.
The most likely scenario is they rushed a patch that broke the game for everyone because they wanted to get switch players in for the long weekend.
No doubt. I'm hoping it's fixed later today if it's an issue for every platform. I'm ok play MTO rn and possibly trying Franchise out but DD is what I spent $90 for ultimately lol
Seems the servers are down or something. I just tried to sign in after the patch update and it is immediately giving me a network error...... Anyone else? I'm on the Switch.
Yes, servers are down
I deleted the game and currently trying to reinstall. Says it's going to take 4 hours so the servers must be getting hammered. I guess the only bright spot is now everyone is feeling the switch users pain. Hopefully that speeds up the fix....if they're competent enough to actually fix what the issues seem to be
Hey everyone! I'm on the Switch and DD IS WORKING CURRENTLY FOR ME!!!
@WarWizard2022 does conquest work?
Can confirm conquest works
Yes! Finally they did something during the server outage, I didn't see any roster alerts and I'm playing conquest no issues