Daily XP Limit Reached
What cap why in the would we need a cap , fix the dam pitcher shaking his head at almost every pitch and worse yet they yes and no at the same pitch. Why can’t we go into practice mode to change the batters hit to move where I want it , yeah like every yr change things that don’t need to be changed.
@fubar2k7 said in Daily XP Limit Reached:
Are you guys scoring 50 runs per game on rookie or something because I play the entire time my girlfriend is at work and never hit the cap?
Also this. I played a craptonne over the weekend and never once hit the daily limit that I'm aware of.
I really think people are low balling their playing time to make it seem like if you only play for 1-2 hours that you will hit the cap limit.
I completed all three TA conquests, did some moments, completed 3 showdowns (2 TA, 1 spring) and half way through a TA mini season. Did not hit the xp cap that I was aware of.