WBC Trout vs Chase Trout
For those that have both, really how much better is the chase pack versios of Trout? Other then the obvious stats, which imo arent that huge of difference considering the price difference and all sets eligible soon. I hit decent with WBC Trout im just wondering will i see a big difference if i upgrade? And it will bankrupt me pretty much lol. Thanks
I demolish the ball with every version of Trout so he’s always worth the stubs for me.
I can only hit with the finest Trout, can't touch the ball with any other Trout
The ASG Trout I have at p5 is fun to play with, never played with the Chase one, as an older player I am past the "keeping up with the Joneses" years of life so the Chase/Expensive cards that have several versions of each I am ok with any of them I have earned playing the game. I stopped chasing the carrot many years ago.