Maximizing my TA5 Missions
This is how I maximize my player missions.
My TA5 dashboard screen shows me what cards I have by position that need to be worked on. I build my lineup from there.
My scorekeeping spreadsheet keeps track of their missions as the game progresses (as I keep score). When they reach their goal, I sub in a new player to begin their mission.
This way, I have the most players possible in my lineup working on their missions during each and every game I play. It looks way more complicated than it really is.
The only manual entry is: initially entering the TA5 cards (OVR, Name, Series, and Missions), when I build my lineup (just the player's names), when a play is made and I score it (like during a real game). So there is some time (15-20 mins) setting up the data, but from there, everything is pulled either from the API database or the tabs for each division (that I update after a game with the mission accomplishments).
That's really awesome, I use the notes section on my iPhone to keep track of the missions
I also use the notes for tracking my TA progress.
These spreadsheets are totally awesome as well. I also used the notes app for a while to track progress but I sort of combined the two by printing out these incredibly useful sheets and keeping it on a clipboard by my gaming spot (for lack of a better term lol) and just pencil in my progress. Usually only takes one or two tic marks or strikethrus and you’ve got it. Very handy whilst simultaneously scratching my itch to remain in the stone ages.