Food for thought
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in Food for thought:
@SHOZOVR said in Food for thought:
@dcordash1 said in Food for thought:
Here is a thought. More conspiratorial than fact-based, but quite plausible. Surely would fit into a marketing strategy by a gaming company.
I believe every year SDS chooses a random set of userId's to "relax" the AI on. Perhaps set most of their online experience to "Veteran" difficulty or whatever. Those are your consistent 800 folks. And, believe me, that would easy-cheesy for the programmers to integrate into the game. A simple coded switch.
By doing this SDS has created a "point of reference" that the fan-boys can recite to argue the game-play is based on player skill not AI. Really isn't another valid argument I've ever heard than this. Don't know how many times I've seen some one type "It has to be real or so-and-so wouldn't always be 800+". Well, my response is "you have to be gullible" to believe that's any sort of quantifiable metric. Marketing...pure and simple.
Have you taken time to actually watch some of these "chosen" guys play? Their PCI placement is robot-like. So, baseball being baseball, the law of averages ends up in their favor due to many more well-placed swings than the average user.
There is no behind the scenes shenanigans going on. We are all playing the same game, good or bad.
When I started playing DD in 2017, I sucked. Bad. But I grinded and grinded and improved my gameplay until I made World Series division near the end of the year and then continued to consistently make it in 2018 and 2019. I was not "chosen", I earned it. And that's the problem many of you have, you're not willing to do what it takes to actually get better and just admit that, at best, you're average at this game. Not saying that you couldn't be better, but as long as you think the game has it out for you you'll just constantly be mediocre at best.
I don’t think players think the game has it out for them, their just frustrated with having to play through the bs the game throws out. I can understand if you miss your timing on a pitch, or didn’t get green meter while fielding those should result in a bad outcome. The frustrating part is when the game makes you throw a meatball or forced an error when you did everything right. Or even when the game is rewarding bad hits while good ones aren’t.
The game itself is influencing outcomes and unless, like you said, you can become an above average hitter....those game influencing outcomes are deciding games for the average players. The question is why? Why is the game making that stuff happen out of user control?
You don't think players think the game has it out for them, did you read this guys thread? He thinks the game has "Chosen ones".
@eatyum said in Food for thought:
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in Food for thought:
@SHOZOVR said in Food for thought:
@dcordash1 said in Food for thought:
Here is a thought. More conspiratorial than fact-based, but quite plausible. Surely would fit into a marketing strategy by a gaming company.
I believe every year SDS chooses a random set of userId's to "relax" the AI on. Perhaps set most of their online experience to "Veteran" difficulty or whatever. Those are your consistent 800 folks. And, believe me, that would easy-cheesy for the programmers to integrate into the game. A simple coded switch.
By doing this SDS has created a "point of reference" that the fan-boys can recite to argue the game-play is based on player skill not AI. Really isn't another valid argument I've ever heard than this. Don't know how many times I've seen some one type "It has to be real or so-and-so wouldn't always be 800+". Well, my response is "you have to be gullible" to believe that's any sort of quantifiable metric. Marketing...pure and simple.
Have you taken time to actually watch some of these "chosen" guys play? Their PCI placement is robot-like. So, baseball being baseball, the law of averages ends up in their favor due to many more well-placed swings than the average user.
There is no behind the scenes shenanigans going on. We are all playing the same game, good or bad.
When I started playing DD in 2017, I sucked. Bad. But I grinded and grinded and improved my gameplay until I made World Series division near the end of the year and then continued to consistently make it in 2018 and 2019. I was not "chosen", I earned it. And that's the problem many of you have, you're not willing to do what it takes to actually get better and just admit that, at best, you're average at this game. Not saying that you couldn't be better, but as long as you think the game has it out for you you'll just constantly be mediocre at best.
I don’t think players think the game has it out for them, their just frustrated with having to play through the bs the game throws out. I can understand if you miss your timing on a pitch, or didn’t get green meter while fielding those should result in a bad outcome. The frustrating part is when the game makes you throw a meatball or forced an error when you did everything right. Or even when the game is rewarding bad hits while good ones aren’t.
The game itself is influencing outcomes and unless, like you said, you can become an above average hitter....those game influencing outcomes are deciding games for the average players. The question is why? Why is the game making that stuff happen out of user control?
You don't think players think the game has it out for them, did you read this guys thread? He thinks the game has "Chosen ones".
Show me where he said “this game has it out for me”
I believe in some conspiracy theories that you guys wouldn’t even want to know about, but that’s just dumb.
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in Food for thought:
@eatyum said in Food for thought:
@SHOW_TIME_ryan said in Food for thought:
@SHOZOVR said in Food for thought:
@dcordash1 said in Food for thought:
Here is a thought. More conspiratorial than fact-based, but quite plausible. Surely would fit into a marketing strategy by a gaming company.
I believe every year SDS chooses a random set of userId's to "relax" the AI on. Perhaps set most of their online experience to "Veteran" difficulty or whatever. Those are your consistent 800 folks. And, believe me, that would easy-cheesy for the programmers to integrate into the game. A simple coded switch.
By doing this SDS has created a "point of reference" that the fan-boys can recite to argue the game-play is based on player skill not AI. Really isn't another valid argument I've ever heard than this. Don't know how many times I've seen some one type "It has to be real or so-and-so wouldn't always be 800+". Well, my response is "you have to be gullible" to believe that's any sort of quantifiable metric. Marketing...pure and simple.
Have you taken time to actually watch some of these "chosen" guys play? Their PCI placement is robot-like. So, baseball being baseball, the law of averages ends up in their favor due to many more well-placed swings than the average user.
There is no behind the scenes shenanigans going on. We are all playing the same game, good or bad.
When I started playing DD in 2017, I sucked. Bad. But I grinded and grinded and improved my gameplay until I made World Series division near the end of the year and then continued to consistently make it in 2018 and 2019. I was not "chosen", I earned it. And that's the problem many of you have, you're not willing to do what it takes to actually get better and just admit that, at best, you're average at this game. Not saying that you couldn't be better, but as long as you think the game has it out for you you'll just constantly be mediocre at best.
I don’t think players think the game has it out for them, their just frustrated with having to play through the bs the game throws out. I can understand if you miss your timing on a pitch, or didn’t get green meter while fielding those should result in a bad outcome. The frustrating part is when the game makes you throw a meatball or forced an error when you did everything right. Or even when the game is rewarding bad hits while good ones aren’t.
The game itself is influencing outcomes and unless, like you said, you can become an above average hitter....those game influencing outcomes are deciding games for the average players. The question is why? Why is the game making that stuff happen out of user control?
You don't think players think the game has it out for them, did you read this guys thread? He thinks the game has "Chosen ones".
Show me where he said “this game has it out for me”
Why are you always so stubborn about everything, he obviously didn't spell out THE GAME IS OUT TO GET ME, but he did suggest that WS players get there because the turns it on veteran for them, BUT not for him, he has to play on regular. That's not saying the game is out to get him?
Sometimes I love what you say, you speak your mind and you are right about a lot of things, one thing you aren't right about is that everyone who posts negative things is doing so for altruistic purposes. This guy clearly being an example. He doesn't help the case, he makes anyone who complains about the game look nuts.
Maybe I'm wrong about you, maybe you're just always mad and will just side with anyone as long they criticize the game, no matter the message. If you want to go along with this guy and have your complaints mixed in with his, be my guest.