Perfect umpiring in CPU games is not perfect
that picture doesn't show us that the umpire was wrong on his call. If the ball passed the bag in fair grounds but then goes in foul territory it is a fair ball, and with your pic we have no clue if that actually happened or not
@NekroSTD said in Perfect umpiring in CPU games is not perfect:
that picture doesn't show us that the umpire was wrong on his call. If the ball passed the bag in fair grounds but then goes in foul territory it is a fair ball, and with your pic we have no clue if that actually happened or not
This is the first touch. Where the ball first touches the ground or fielder determines whether it is fair or foul. If a ball is batted and it is initially fair but lands foul, it is foul. You're right, I should have recorded it instead of just taking a screenshot. My bad - sorry.
The umpiring in MTO is disgusting.
It's like Eric Gregg is the home plate ump, every game.
I only played it for the MTO trophies to get the Platinum.
It was insane. Balls called for Strikes and vice-versa. -
I just had the opposite happen. The correct call (fair ball) was made, but the batter was still at the plate.
The batter had a 2-1 count and hit the ball down the 3B line. First contact was about 5 feet from home plate, and it hit fair (inside part of the line). The ball went foul in the air but went fair again (barely) as it passed over 3B. The next time it landed, it was fair (on the outside part of the line) just before the outfield grass. The LF umpire called it fair (the correct call). The next thing I know, the batter is back at the plate with a 2-2 count.
@Blind_Bleeder said in Perfect umpiring in CPU games is not perfect:
These are from a CPU game played today on Rookie. I submitted the images to SDS under Bug Report.
You sure it didn’t bounce close to the plate long before getting way out there? I’ve had plays that look like liners that I almost didn’t throw guys out at first on. The image just doesn’t do anything to be honest.
Yep. I replayed it to make sure. I should have recorded it when I replayed it, but...oh well.
@TheGoaler said in Perfect umpiring in CPU games is not perfect:
The umpiring in MTO is disgusting.
It's like Eric Gregg is the home plate ump, every game.
I only played it for the MTO trophies to get the Platinum.
It was insane. Balls called for Strikes and vice-versa.I loved Eric Gregg. He may have had an inconsistent strike zone at times but what Met fan could forget how Gregg and Ray Knight tag teamed Eric Davis back in July of 86