I’ve gotten soo much better at this game :)
I still suck lol but I’ve gotten a lot better since I made the switch to Xbox series X, started playing on a monitor, and switched controllers with control freak equipped.
I started the year around 15-41 and I’m not at 95-100 now. I know it’s not a great record but I’ve definitely improved. Going from an Xbox one to Xbox series X has made a huge difference and also playing on a monitor. Fastballs were my kryptonite. Literally every fast ball I was very late on but switching consoles and playing on a monitor has made me see the ball so much better. No more teleporting fast balls coming out the pitchers hand lol.
Also I made the switch from the regular Xbox controller to and Xbox power A controller and boy has it made a big difference in pitching. I’m getting way more perfect pitches now. The Xbox X controllers suck for PPP I would only occasionally get perfect pitches but now I’m getting them way more consistently also I bought a control freak to help smooth it out and make it better. I still use directional hitting but I’m slowly learning to use zone in practice I haven’t made the switch 100% yet.
I been having fun playing this game as opposed to when I was playing on an old Xbox cause I’m finally winning so cheers
Impressive turnaround! Bravo!
Good job. I feel the bat visual PCI has helped me. It doesn’t change sizes so weather you use it on all star or above the visual is the same. Which too me is a mental helper
That's why we all play. It's a lot like golf are always trying to improve.
People also just get better the more they play
Maybe I need to switch to Xbox since it has a better frame rate than the PS5
@TexasTauper_PSN said in I’ve gotten soo much better at this game
Maybe I need to switch to Xbox since it has a better frame rate than the PS5
Pin point is better on PS5 though. I have bothe ps5 and Xbox series x