SDS: Non-Sellable rewards
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
If that is the case how many hours per day are you playing the game my man? I work full time and have a family so during the week I may get a couple hours per night at best. The weekends I try to catch up but that is also family time and despite all that I’m still well short of 260 cards for set 1. Less than 30 cards into set 2 and missing a boat load of the top tier cards that were only found in premium packs. If you have all the cards except World Series rewards you must live on the game 24/7 and have incredible pack luck. If so, more power to you and congrats. I think my complaint rests with the casual players that do the best we can with the time we have, love baseball, are willing to grind and flip our way to the best cards, that now can’t keep up because the game has fundamentally changed. Casual players are now firmly on the outside looking in.
I work 45-50 hours per week in the elements Sun-Thur and a single parent to boot. I get to play this game after my son goes to bed while watching baseball in the evenings. And spend even less time on the weekends playing do to my family commitments and doing door dash to supplement my income. I do have a system on how to make my time on the game efficient so I can complete the most stuff in a timely manner. So please don’t assume you know me.
@GoTitans3_XBL said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@jcassaro44_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
I understand Ranked going this way, it needed to, the only thing with BR is that it costs to play, so I think for that reason, I’d keep it sellable. 12-0, you get the flawless reward, plus a few high diamonds, so If you’re good enough you are making Stubbs.
Ranked season didn’t need to go that way either. Hell for a company that thought it was cool to have you lock in 500-800k and grind for 100 hours for maybe 2 99s(which were good cards) the least they could do is make some solid 99s cheaper so at least a couple were actually useable. Especially because they all expire in 3 months or so lol.
Hell I’m gonna be honest. I got chipper and Pedro. Passed on babe. This season I’ve grounded. About done with the last TA conquest and at the point I don’t care if I get a single card, which means it gets turned off.
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
Your general idea is correct. Communism fails. But it’s not an economic system. It’s an authoritarian form of government with governmental ownership of all goods and services.
Socialism is an economic system. And every successful economy in the world uses a hybrid of capitalism and socialism of varying degrees.
All communists societies begin as socialist societies and evolve into the former which is where the authoritarian governments take over the economies and take away individual liberties to create the equity that the government seeks. In this scenario, equity is not the same as equality.
I mean, from the countries I’m familiar, that’s not the case at all. It’s generally a violent revolution that brings communism after some form of civil war. It’s not some slippery slope from socialism. Russia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, etc. All violent revolutions. Very abrupt.
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
Your general idea is correct. Communism fails. But it’s not an economic system. It’s an authoritarian form of government with governmental ownership of all goods and services.
Socialism is an economic system. And every successful economy in the world uses a hybrid of capitalism and socialism of varying degrees.
By the way nice to see you in the forums again. I know we don’t agree on much but at least baseball unites us.
Always happy to discuss ideas! Not sure what you think we disagree on, though.
I’ve read through this and multiple other threads and I see good arguments from both sides. Probably nobody will care what I think but here’s my 2 cents.
If you go back 3 years ago, there were no programs for RS/BR. Only way to get these special cards were to make it to WS and go 12-0.
In my honest opinion, the way they just made set 2 is how it should’ve been implanted in the first place when they introduced programs.
Lets not kid ourselves, “programs” are a handout. If you’re gonna be handed out a special card for participating, it shouldn’t be worth as much as the one who earned his way to WS or 12-0 in BR. It’s a great way to encourage those who can’t make it or don’t have the time to get what was an unattainable before without having to spend 300-400K stubs.
@Hikes83_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
I’ve read through this and multiple other threads and I see good arguments from both sides. Probably nobody will care what I think but here’s my 2 cents.
If you go back 3 years ago, there were no programs for RS/BR. Only way to get these special cards were to make it to WS and go 12-0.
In my honest opinion, the way they just made set 2 is how it should’ve been implanted in the first place when they introduced programs.
Lets not kid ourselves, “programs” are a handout. If you’re gonna be handed out a special card for participating, it shouldn’t be worth as much as the one who earned his way to WS or 12-0 in BR. It’s a great way to encourage those who can’t make it or don’t have the time to get what was an unattainable before without having to spend 300-400K stubs.
They should just have stub vouchers for going 12-0/making world series. Gatekeeping the cards is dumb as hell. BR exploded in popularity when the program was added. If they implemented it from the start 3 years ago it would have been different. Taking things away from players is bad. I didn't play BR before the programs and I'm not doing so now. The number of players that feel the same as me I can almost guarantee is much higher than the 40 players total that wanted this.
@Hikes83_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
I’ve read through this and multiple other threads and I see good arguments from both sides. Probably nobody will care what I think but here’s my 2 cents.
If you go back 3 years ago, there were no programs for RS/BR. Only way to get these special cards were to make it to WS and go 12-0.
In my honest opinion, the way they just made set 2 is how it should’ve been implanted in the first place when they introduced programs.
Lets not kid ourselves, “programs” are a handout. If you’re gonna be handed out a special card for participating, it shouldn’t be worth as much as the one who earned his way to WS or 12-0 in BR. It’s a great way to encourage those who can’t make it or don’t have the time to get what was an unattainable before without having to spend 300-400K stubs.
You know why they changed it? Because nobody was playing it. Regression to appease very few probably the dumbest business decision you will see publicly. Especially with every sports game taking on attacks from their consumers. Who knows maybe they are geniuses and what 98% of their player base who can’t make WS or go 12-0 wanted was non sellable cards so the other cards go up 10,000% in price.
I played like 70 co-op games last season. Want to know how many I’ve played this season? 2 lol.
Did all the stuff last season minus BR because don’t love it but at one point had both posada and Griffey on my team.
This season, did all showdown, almost done with last conquest. After last conquest is done and looking at rewards and prices don’t think I feel the need to do much else. Not worth the mini season grind for the [censored] rewards from TA and XP path. RS meh no need. So what do we do when we’re squeezed that hard? Give money to the squeezer or turn the game off and find something else to do and hope they get fired. Tough call.
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Thongypu_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
If they're going to be non-sellable they need to lower the entry cost or at the least give more stubs along the way to compensate the avg-poor players for the ton of stubs they will lose grinding the program. I hate this change and the one in ranked just like it. Makes me not want to play online at all. I'll never go 12-0 or reach 900 so I see this as a big middle finger from SDS
BR is not intended to be played by the casual player. It was always intended to the most competitive game mode in the game. SDS only made the program to appeal to the casual gamer. Those who go 12-0 do t play the mode for the program. They’re playing it for the competition and the elite rewards that go along with the competition. All you want is to have what you don’t deserve.
I highly doubt this is the case. They purposely made the cards easier to achieve to make it appeal to more players. This does the opposite. Also, I'm not sure how you come to that conclusion when all the games are played on all star. I'd be more inclined to agree with you if they were played on legendary like world series and above games
No it’s actually the case, when this mode was introduced a few years back they touted it as the place to take your skill. Same rules for everybody. That’s why it’s played on AS difficulty. No divisions no rank separation no God squads. Just straight up H2H action, and may the best man win. The only reason they even introduced the program was to allow those who didn’t necessarily want to or have the ability to compete for the 12-0 milestone to get the reward for the flawless run. What ended up happening was the market became watered down because now there is a huge influx of the reward card that were now out in people’s inventories and instead of those people using the card they were just selling it. This is called inflation. So to curb inflation they eliminate the influx by making the program reward non sellable. So if you want to sell the card go 12-0. Period. End of Story.
All star isn't the best test of skill at all. I beat world series players all the time in BR but can't touch them in ranked seasons. Also, you forget the fact you get a 90+ live series diamond every time you get 12 wins. That's a lot of reward stubs. Odds are you're getting 50-150k every time just from that.
Funny how the price of cards went down once we had a cross market on 3 consoles. So honestly million dollar cards no longer exist because of that. So SDS making these cards non-sellable is just ignorant.
@beanball0571_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Funny how the price of cards went down once we had a cross market on 3 consoles. So honestly million dollar cards no longer exist because of that. So SDS making these cards non-sellable is just ignorant.
Pretty sure we can 1M stub cards last year.
As someone who plays this game alot for many years all I will say on this is I am.just going to play the game and collect my card from.the program and move on.
I have reached a point in my life were I don't need to worry about this stuff and just enjoy what I have which is a very enjoyable baseball game.
I get what I get and don't get upset it's not worth it
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
You’re not. It’s ridiculous the choices they have made. They implement programs to combat the inflated million stub cards. They now make the card unsellable, while making the WS program HARDER. They introduce Team Affinity. They take away Team Affinity. They bring back Team Affinity but make it HARDER. They take away the XP Reward path. They bring back the XP reward path. Who is in charge of making these decisions?
SDS caters to streamers for what? How many people do they influence to purchase this game? Not many. They bump there chances to pull cards and give them a free game and more garbage. The streamers cry and they flip the script. These streamers arent even active members of this forum bc its beneath them.
I'm get a pack for playing BR even if you go 0-2, right?
And packs cost 1500 Stubs, right?
So why are some of you upset with paying the entry fee to get the Program reward for a card you can't sell?
And...this thread is soooo funny since some people (like me!) told you all the moves SDS was making were to increase their profits, but some of y'all said that was impossible and they'd never do that. LOL.
BTW - the mode is still clearly missing something. And that's a 9 inning version of BR using cards we own. Basically a capped mode...or something similar to the Summer Series thing they did last year.
It really does make too much sense. Would even give some people a reason to actually play would be nice to load up an online 9 inning game and not see the SAME lineup for the 200th time in a row.
Absolutely. That would be great to be able to use other cards you like
@the_dragon1912 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Hikes83_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
I’ve read through this and multiple other threads and I see good arguments from both sides. Probably nobody will care what I think but here’s my 2 cents.
If you go back 3 years ago, there were no programs for RS/BR. Only way to get these special cards were to make it to WS and go 12-0.
In my honest opinion, the way they just made set 2 is how it should’ve been implanted in the first place when they introduced programs.
Lets not kid ourselves, “programs” are a handout. If you’re gonna be handed out a special card for participating, it shouldn’t be worth as much as the one who earned his way to WS or 12-0 in BR. It’s a great way to encourage those who can’t make it or don’t have the time to get what was an unattainable before without having to spend 300-400K stubs.
They should just have stub vouchers for going 12-0/making world series. Gatekeeping the cards is dumb as hell. BR exploded in popularity when the program was added. If they implemented it from the start 3 years ago it would have been different. Taking things away from players is bad. I didn't play BR before the programs and I'm not doing so now. The number of players that feel the same as me I can almost guarantee is much higher than the 40 players total that wanted this.
None of what you have said is true. BR has always been a popular mode since it’s introduction a few years back. The only difference is the accessibility of the rewards which the good players said was only going to saturate the market which it did. Please tell me why you’re entitled to a sellable reward. Because the 12-0 guy gets it? So you’re telling me that your equal to that player? You see that’s the difference between equity and equality. You want to something for nothing while the other person earned his reward even though you are given the same opportunities as the 12-0 player. This is the scourge of socialism. Make everyone believe they are the same even when merit proves otherwise.
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@the_dragon1912 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Hikes83_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
I’ve read through this and multiple other threads and I see good arguments from both sides. Probably nobody will care what I think but here’s my 2 cents.
If you go back 3 years ago, there were no programs for RS/BR. Only way to get these special cards were to make it to WS and go 12-0.
In my honest opinion, the way they just made set 2 is how it should’ve been implanted in the first place when they introduced programs.
Lets not kid ourselves, “programs” are a handout. If you’re gonna be handed out a special card for participating, it shouldn’t be worth as much as the one who earned his way to WS or 12-0 in BR. It’s a great way to encourage those who can’t make it or don’t have the time to get what was an unattainable before without having to spend 300-400K stubs.
They should just have stub vouchers for going 12-0/making world series. Gatekeeping the cards is dumb as hell. BR exploded in popularity when the program was added. If they implemented it from the start 3 years ago it would have been different. Taking things away from players is bad. I didn't play BR before the programs and I'm not doing so now. The number of players that feel the same as me I can almost guarantee is much higher than the 40 players total that wanted this.
None of what you have said is true. BR has always been a popular mode since it’s introduction a few years back. The only difference is the accessibility of the rewards which the good players said was only going to saturate the market which it did. Please tell me why you’re entitled to a sellable reward. Because the 12-0 guy gets it? So you’re telling me that your equal to that player? You see that’s the difference between equity and equality. You want to something for nothing while the other person earned his reward even though you are given the same opportunities as the 12-0 player. This is the scourge of socialism. Make everyone believe they are the same even when merit proves otherwise.
You are the least credible person on this forum and have been for years. I'm amazed they let you make a new account under the same exact name with lowercase letters and it didn't auto trigger a ban tbh. If you think casual online players played BR before the program you are delusional. The only ones that played BR before were capable 12-0 players and the "diamond make the game play bad crowd". It was a waste of time for everyone else
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@Firestormx_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@killerpresence4_MLBTS said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
@TripleH-4481_PSN said in SDS: Non-Sellable rewards:
Yep in years past I was motivated to play and get all the cards to play with in the game. It gave me something to strive for as an average player that will never be elite. Now that deal is long gone with the new direction, high end packs, and non sellable rewards. I can’t be the only one in this boat, was nice while it lasted.
Ok then stop trying to participate in a mode where elite players are playing. Just because you want something doesn’t give you the right have it. Either accept the reward that they give you for participating (the participation trophy ie the non sellable card) or stop playing the mode altogether and annoying us with your whining about why you can’t sell your trophy.
This is so insulting. Grinding 8-10 hours, playing the same people you are but winning less isn't a participation trophy. Elitist snobbish points of view like this are exactly whats wrong with this game.
Sometimes somebody has slap you for you to return to reality. Life is a competition. That’s not elitism thats a fact of life.
No, it's not a competition. It's A video game that's supposed to be fun. The pov that only the 1% should be fairly rewarded is elitist and snobbish.
Please go tell that to streamers who make a living at playing this game. You’re only further proving my point. Let me guess, you think capitalism is elitist and snobbish too? Well why don’t you tell me how every communist society has faired in the history of human kind. Cuba, China, N. Korea, USSR, Venezuela, all the eastern block European countries during the Cold War. All are cautionary tales about how much of an abject failure that economic system actually is. But you’re young maybe you know more than me.
Your general idea is correct. Communism fails. But it’s not an economic system. It’s an authoritarian form of government with governmental ownership of all goods and services.
Socialism is an economic system. And every successful economy in the world uses a hybrid of capitalism and socialism of varying degrees.
Finally someone with half a brain who understands these concepts lol
I don't get to play enough ranked and will not touch BR to obtain these cards naturally so I buy them off the market. I can work the market on and off through the day to make more than enough stubs to buy the cards I want and plenty I don't want (for collection purposes). Across the board I already accept that I will be paying inflated prices for reward cards and that's fine. People deserve to "profit" from their effort.
My biggest concern with the no-sell stuff is the potential gate-keeping of cards at a massively inflated price like we have seen previously.
I guess we will see.
While it certainly seems like most folks don't like the non-sellable rewards, I have to believe that EA must have seen a serious jump in micro-purchases when it expanded non-sellable rewards in FIFA this year. SDS is just jumping on that bandwagon.
The odd thing for The Show is, EA also pushed players into more game modes that have a buy-in this year, but the rewards in those modes remained sellable.
SDS seems to have melded the two ideas in BR. It will be interesting to see if it works out for them quite the way it did for EA.