What’s up with these WBC moments?
I got a late start to the game this year by a few weeks and I was able to complete most of the recent programs quickly. Tonight I decided to try and tackle the WBC moments and program, but something just feels… off? I had no other issue with moments in the charisma or any of the “other programs” but when it’s come to these WBC moments it feels like I'm hitting in the dead ball era at times. And during the pitching moments the hitters are very aggressive and foul off tons of pitches. I truly hate to even use this terminology, as I don’t want to be lumped into the group of people who are constantly saying this, but with the swing feedback I’m getting it almost seems like the outcomes are completely scripted and like I’m on a timer of sorts for each individual moment.
Has anybody else experienced this? I’m chugging along decently but spending way more time than I had hoped doing these.
Not sure about pitching ones; but for hitting ones I use Directional. Seems to work better than Zone.
The thing with WBC Moments is that there are A LOT of them... atleast in the First Round which I finally finished last night for my NMS team... got stuck on Meneses for what felt like forever... but now that I have enough players once I finish last week's Weekly Wonders tonight and the Starter Program Moments I'm going to jump into Mini Seasons, Conquest and Play vs CPU to grind some PXP to get Charisma, WBC, and Team Affinity missions started so I can advance as far as I can in those and hopefully knock out those maps and Showdowns while I'm at it.
You can skip some of the moments if you do the PxP and showdown