new challenge
reply to this post if you've played a full game of RS recently without at least a couple WTF's.
Just quit a 0-0 game against a guy (sorry btw) because I was just beyond being understanding anymore. After 4 innings he has 2 hits. No hard hits, and mostly k's.
But his pitcher, Mark Prior gets a hit first time damage. Odd that Mark Prior with a .201 career batting average is the single hit amongst a lineup of diamond batters.
Then, of course, it gets worse. The tell-tale error in the bottom of the 4th by a career gold-glove infielder. I knew it was coming. Prior, the pitcher, next to bat. Considering the circumstances. The error and the fact MLB The Show 20 doesn't seem to distinguish batting abilities when it's time for the AI to give up a run made me take it carefully.
I pitched Prior like I was pitching 99 Mickey Mantle. Didn't matter...Prior sizzles one up the middle for his 2nd base hit off a sweeping curve 6 inches outside. 2 on 2 outs, but the ridiculous plays that led to the 2 on. I just couldn't take the absurd play...Quit.
Why should anyone care about chasing Diamonds if you write your AI to allow pitchers to get hits in key situations? It blatantly devalues all reason to chase better cards. And, obviously, makes the game designers look pretty silly.
I swear, the game experience this year is based on a preordained outcome. And, the AI will project whatever screwy, unbelievable animation it takes to make it so.
Is it that difficult, programmers, to make a game consistently appear to be real? And, you wonder why people freak out and vent. It's pathetic...C,mon!
They won’t change anything. I’m on my second RS of the day, can’t hit shiit. Everything elevated I can’t catch up to.