Changing PS gamertag
Has anyone gone through the process of changing their gamertag on PS? Trying to make sure changing won't cause any issue with my Diamond Dynasty.
These two warnings on the PS website make me nervous.
"You may lose your progress within games, including game saved data, leaderboard data, and progress toward trophies."
"Parts of your games and applications might not function properly, both online and offline."
I did it before, and lost nothing.
I think that warning message has just been there the entire time since they introduced letting you change your name. IIRC there were incompatible games at the time but everything released after accounted for this possibility. Either way on this game you are good, that much I can guarantee from experience
Welp, I'm going for it. Thanks!
I did in 21. No issues.
It definitely messed with my link to Twitch 2 years ago. I haven’t been able to get a Twitch pack since.