To the perfect/perfect crybabies
@blitz77tw_PSN said in To the perfect/perfect crybabies:
This game needs a patch and that is a fact and when every fan boy runs to SDS to defend the game does not make it less so . I am not saying this game sucks cause I would give it a solid B minus to B but there are things that take away from the fun at least for me. I do admit the hitting does feel more realistic in some ways but that does not make it prefect it needs some tiny adjustments to make it better and consistent. Grinding the programs via conquest etc on the lowest settings feels like almost like work at times and do not get me wrong they call it a grind for a reason. In previous games sure it had some down moments but a majority of the grind was fun to a degree but this year it feels like a slog at times and that is kind of sucking the fun out of it at least for me and reading some comments I think some share this opinion.
The trouble is, do we trust a patch will make the game better? I don't 100% trust that it wouldn't mess up other things. I to would give it a b somewhere and don't want it to get messed up And be a c the rest of the year.