Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....
@SkipPractice_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
Who gives a flying foul ball that Jeter is in this game for 23.
The game will play like a foul ball anyway.
Do not buy The Show 23.
It will be a cut and paste of every year before. Have nothing new but a few new DD cards that are not useable because the PCI does not register and the swing timing is delayed because it is not programmed correctly.
SDS appeases the Twitch crowds because that helps with revenue.
This company is representing baseball horribly in the video game world.
You are all sheep!
Jeter attributes 125 contact - 115 power - 97 - speed - outlier on a change up.
That is how SDS does it.
So.... Don't buy it, don't play it and get off the forum. If you don't enjoy the game you are just here to complain.
@supplication1975_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@SkipPractice_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
Who gives a flying foul ball that Jeter is in this game for 23.
The game will play like a foul ball anyway.
Do not buy The Show 23.
It will be a cut and paste of every year before. Have nothing new but a few new DD cards that are not useable because the PCI does not register and the swing timing is delayed because it is not programmed correctly.
SDS appeases the Twitch crowds because that helps with revenue.
This company is representing baseball horribly in the video game world.
You are all sheep!
Jeter attributes 125 contact - 115 power - 97 - speed - outlier on a change up.
That is how SDS does it.
So.... Don't buy it, don't play it and get off the forum. If you don't enjoy the game you are just here to complain.
I love y'all who say don't play it if you don't like it. Half of y'all here don't even have the discipline to push away from the dinner table. Get outta here with that BS
I’m preordering 3 copies! I can’t wait.
@Gdogzombie_MLBTS said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
I’m preordering 3 copies! I can’t wait.
I wouldn't doubt it. You're probably the guy who chooses the same card in his choice packs and then complains about it
Imagine being so bitter, with nothing better to do in life then being negative to people who are excited. May I never sink that low.
@eatyum_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
Imagine being so bitter, with nothing better to do in life then being negative to people who are excited. May I never sink that low.
I'm doing pull ups and rows while I clown. If this news excites you then you need to get out more.
I'm doing just fine over here
There are flaws with the game, but overall, it is a great game. I understand the frustration with some of the bloop hits. However, it does a good job of mimicking an actual swing. If you're early on an outside pitch, you're going to roll it over. Like they tell you in baseball, sit back on the outside pitch and drive it oppo. You swing too early on the inside pitch and you hammer it foul. There are too many people who get caught up on swing timing, with no regard to where the ball was pitched at. With all of that said, I have had my share or perfect-perfect, middle/middle with a 125 power guy flying out. It is what it is, I guess.
I just don't see the point in trashing a really good game. Even if I really hated the game, I wouldn't spend any of my time talking about it. The game is living rent free in your head. Either play it or let it go.
Well, I don't care about Jeter, but I am excited for the 23 release. It is always nice to get some new players, no matter who they are.
@CCARR77_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@eatyum_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
Imagine being so bitter, with nothing better to do in life then being negative to people who are excited. May I never sink that low.
I'm doing pull ups and rows while I clown. If this news excites you then you need to get out more.
I'm doing just fine over here
If you’re this miserable over a video game you need to grow up. Wahhhhhhhhh is all I see from you on here
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@CCARR77_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@eatyum_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
Imagine being so bitter, with nothing better to do in life then being negative to people who are excited. May I never sink that low.
I'm doing pull ups and rows while I clown. If this news excites you then you need to get out more.
I'm doing just fine over here
If you’re this miserable over a video game you need to grow up. Wahhhhhhhhh is all I see from you on here
@CCARR77_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@kovz88_MLBTS said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@CCARR77_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
@eatyum_PSN said in Wow Jeter! I HAVE TO BUY IT NOW! Hmmmm....:
Imagine being so bitter, with nothing better to do in life then being negative to people who are excited. May I never sink that low.
I'm doing pull ups and rows while I clown. If this news excites you then you need to get out more.
I'm doing just fine over here
If you’re this miserable over a video game you need to grow up. Wahhhhhhhhh is all I see from you on here
Lol you even look miserable in your high school girl bathroom photos. I couldn’t imagine being so insecure that you have to upload photos to a video game forum to try and prove you’re better than people you will never meet in real life. Sounds like you’re doing great buddy
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