Robbing homeruns
Is the home run robbing mechanic broken or something? I’ve only seen a few videos on it and a few strategy guides. But I do exactly what they say and it never works? Wtf is up with it? Or am I doing something wrong. I count 1,2,3,jump
Not every homerun can be robbed, and sometimes animations don't work in your favor.
Even when the arrows show up, sometimes it won't be catchable, depending on the height (among other things) of the player. Additionally, players can jump with the glove to either side (i.e. left hand going up on left side, or left hand going up on right side across the body). Depending on the angle you line the wall at, the animation might not go the way you're expecting.
It's hard to do, like almost random. I've done it exactly one time, but had lots of opportunities. There needs to be some other mechanic that lets you tell where the ball is going to land.
I’ve done it a couple of times. It surprised me each time and involuntarily brought a loud “whoop” out of me.
It gives you the option sometimes but I cannot get it to work all the time. I got lucky with it once but that was pretty much it. I don't know why you can try to rob and gives you those arrows but the ball feels out of reach.