RttS File Management Error?
Just went to save my RttS after about 2 hrs of gameplay and having literally the best start I've ever had in a RttS run, and it gave me an error. Then when I backed out, I can no longer load this RttS save file. No file found... what an absolute joke. The show has been my favorite sports game for many years, but these issues with file management and not being able to carry over my ballplayer from previous saves makes me not want to play. I play DD pretty regularly for the cards I want, and to pass the time, but to have nearly 2 full hours of gameplay deleted in RttS is just soul-crushing... what a waste of time.
We lost 60 days of our rookie AA player. He has 11 wins 0 losses 110 strikeouts and 4 walks. The player is still there. His stats and level remain but we had to start the season over and now he’s not as good.