First pitcher not named ohtani that you homered with.
Babe Ruth... Oh wait
Don Sutton…..although it was at opponents max elevation created stadium.
This year's game? Tom Seaver
Strasburg and Wheeler
Silver mussina in br lol
POTM Martin Perez - Hurray for 0 power!
Parallel 4 Luis Castillo
Still haven't done it yet this year, but
Playing RS last night had Correa batting 8th, hit 2 no doubters first 2 ABs. Up with 2 outs in the 3rd AB, person I'm playing hits him to get to my pitcher, Detmers. 1st pitch high inside fastball, I turn on it send it deep to right and the RF catches it while crashing into the wall. I think that would've been a pretty sweet moment to pop that cherry this year lol
Only 3 so far this year, in order.
J. R. Richard (no doubt during a soon to be blown no hitter)
Tarik Skubal
Mike MussinaFew things make me happier than pitcher home runs and inside the park homeruns!
Orel hit one
Dallas Keuchel
85 David Price postseason off 92 cy young Dallas Keuchel in ranked seasons lmfao
Chris Sale
Kelvin Herrera 81 gold from 19 I believe, reliever lol
David Price. A perfect/perfect bomb
Whitey Ford