Is it by design?
When the game first came out there was a plethora of good right handed batters from the collection. Frank, glaus, trout, Michael Young, clemente.
Now it seems like most of the top cards being released are lefties. Delgado, Ruth, Brett, Crawford, reggie, Jim Edmonds (my opinion)
With that being said are yall keeping your lineups R,L,R,L,R,L, or are yall just plugging in the best players?
I'm weird I guess but I have to have them staggered. Even the bench.
I generally hit better with lefties but like to keep my lineup balanced. Right now it’s:
JRam P5
Trout P5
Ruth P2
Frank P4
Delgado P1
Michael Young P4
Utley P3
Gary Carter P2My biggest surprise is Carter, they definitely tweaked his swing and he’s been really good for me.
Ruth and Delgado are also 100% worth it. I play both in the outfield and have gotten away with it so far